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"Critical Discussion on (100) and (110) Orientation Dependent Transport: nMOS Planar and FinFET", Symposium on VLSI Technology, Kyoto, Japan, 2011.
, "Strain induced changes in the gate leakage current of n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors", J. Appl. Phys., vol. 109, pp. 9, 06/2011.
, "Comprehensive characterization and failure modes of tungsten microwire arrays in chronic neural implants", Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 9, issue 5, no. 5, pp. 056015, 09/2012.
, "Comprehensive characterization of tungsten microwires in chronic neurocortical implants", 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, Aug 28-Sep 1, 2012.
, "Predicting Microelectrode Array Functionality Using Biotic and Abiotic Metrics in Vivo", 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, Aug 28-Sep 1, 2012.
, "Process Dependence of 1/f Noise and Defects in Ion Implanted p-Type Piezoresistors", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 112, 2012.
, "System Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters", IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 27, issue 2, 2012.
, "Tissue, Electrical, and Material Responses in Electrode Failure", IEEE Pulse, vol. 3, issue 1, pp. 30 - 33, 01/2012.
, "The use of polyurethane as an elastomer in thermoplastic microfluidic devices and the study of its creep properties", ELECTROPHORESIS, vol. 35, issue 2-3, pp. 289 - 297, 02/2014, 2013.
, "Ferroelectric Si-Doped HfO2 Device Properties on Highly Doped Germanium", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 36, issue 8, pp. 766 - 768, Jan-08-2015.
, "Low-power electrically controlled thermoelastic microvalves integrated in thermoplastic microfluidic devices", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 19, issue 6, pp. 1385 - 1394, 12/2015.
, "Mixed Al and Si doping in ferroelectric HfO 2 thin films", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 107, issue 24, pp. 242903, Feb-12-2016, 2015.
, "Structure of 3 at.% and 9 at.% Si-doped HfO 2 from combined refinement of X-ray and neutron diffraction patterns", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, vol. 646, pp. 655 - 661, Jan-10-2015.
, "Annealing behavior of ferroelectric Si-doped HfO2 thin films", Thin Solid Films, vol. 615, pp. 139 - 144, Jan-09-2016.
, "Electrically Controlled Thermoelastic Valve Array for Multiplexed Immunoassay", 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2016), 2016.
, "Low-Power Electrically Controlled Thermoelastic Microfluidic Valve Array for Multiplexed Immunoassay", Hilton Head 2016 Workshop, 2016.
, "Mission Innovation: The Driver for Global Pollution Monitoring Node Today, Tomorrow and in 2025", Commercialization of Micro, Nano, and Emerging Technologies, 2016.
, "TSensors Vision: Enabling Sustainable Solutions for the Global Environment through Novel Sensing", MEMS & Sensors Executive Congress, 2016.
, "Doped Hf0.5Zr 0.5O 2 for high efficiency integrated supercapacitors", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 110, issue 23, pp. 232904, jun-09-2017.
, "Phononic detection of morphological phase transition in atomic-layered Hafnium-Zirconium-Oxide", 2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, IEEE, 2017.
, "Tiered deposition of sub-5 nm ferroelectric Hf 1-x Zr x O 2 films on metal and semiconductor substrates", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 112, issue 19, pp. 192901, Jul-05-2018.
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"Effect of Mechanical Cycling on the Magnetic Properties of Permalloy Films Electroplated on Stretchable Substrates", 2019 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC)2019 IEEE International Flexible Electronics Technology Conference (IFETC), Vancouver, BC, Canada, IEEE, 2019.
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