Seminar Title: Electrodynamic Wireless Power Transmission to High Performance Rotating Magnet Receivers
Speaker: Vernon Crasto, IMG, UF
Time: Dec 1st , 2023 @ 12:00pm
Abstract: In this seminar, the assembly, analysis, and characterization of a five-phase, rotating-magnet electrodynamic wireless power transmission (EWPT) receiver is reported. Additionally, power transfer to a constellation of multiple receivers is demonstrated, indicating the ability to additively combine multiple EWPT receivers for scalable power solutions.
Biography: Vernon Crasto completed his bachelor's in mechanical engineering from Visvesaraya Technological University, India, and pursued his Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is a third year PhD student in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Florida, and currently working on Wireless Power Transfer Solutions in Precision Agriculture.
The seminars will have food (Pizza) for the in-person meetings in Larsen 234 and we will be charging $2 per person. If you have punch cards from 2019-2020 then you can use those (and should be rewarded for having kept it safe for so long!).