Welcome to our Social page! At IMG, although work is fun, we believe in having just a little more! We like to meet regularly to play board and video games, celebrate birthdays, and indulge in intramural sports. Some of our favorite traditions include summer barbecues, picnics, and Christmas parties.
Summer BBQ
IMG has had a long-standing tradition of meeting weekly every summer for a group BBQ since 2004. Over the years, the summer BBQ has evolved to include food from different cultures as we continue to grow in number. To add a healthy competition to it, we award the "Golden Ladle" to the cooking group with the best tasting food each year.
In addition to summer BBQs, we meet periodically outside the lab environment to relax, unwind, and take part in team building activities. In 2022, we met at lake Wauburg to play team sports like 'partnered lawn skiing' and 'circle football', and enjoyed a Cuban lunch!
Christmas gift exchange
Every December, we meet ahead of the winter break to celebrate an early Christmas with the IMG family, and exchange (goofy) presents at the White Elephant gift exchange party.