Seminar: Development of Micro/NanoElectrode Arrays and their role in Advancing Human Health

Event category: 
Event date: 
Thursday, April 13, 2017 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm
Event location: 
Larsen 234

Professor Swaminathan Rajaraman, IMG visitor, will present his work on micro/nanoelectrode arrays and  their role in advancing human health during the ECE seminar. He is an ECE & MSE assistant professor at the University of Central Florida (UCF) with joint appointments at the NanoScience Technology Center and at BRIDG.


Cellular function and response has been a significant subject of human fascination since time immemorial and a major field of study that has improved the understanding of the mechanics of the human body. Specifically, the functioning of electrogenic or electrically active cells is of particular interest in this talk as these cells control several important physiological functions such as visualization, locomotion, and activities of key organs such as the brain, heart, eyes, ears, and spinal cord.

Micro/NanoElectrode Arrays serve as the primary interface for signal transduction with electrogenic cells and in conjunction with CMOS electronics, mechanics and software techniques are enabling instrumentation that will result in actively and passively manipulating a variety of electrogenic cells. Such manipulation of electrogenic cells can happen either in a dish, or on a wearable or in an implantable setting. These efforts to engage with electrically active cells are resulting in and will result in major advances in human health in areas such as drug discovery, diagnostics, therapeutics, prosthetics, environmental sensing and implantable devices in the upcoming decades.

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