David Arnold's Research Group

IMG Seminar: Dr. Alexandra Garraud and Todd Schumann

Event date: 
Fri, 01/26/2018 - 11:45am

This week, the speakers for the IMG Seminar are:

11:55-12:20 pm: Dr. Alexandra Garraud on "Extending the range of wireless power transmission for bio-implants and wearables

12:20-12:45 pm: Todd Schumann  on "Solely calcine controlled ferroelectric/memristor behavior in barium titanate"


Miniature Wireless Charging System for Cluttered Environments

There is an increasing demand for wireless power charging of mobile electronic devices, electric vehicles, biomedical implants and IoT sensor networks. Many of the already available wireless power transmission systems are based on inductive coupling and the size ranges in the cm’s scale, linked to the large surface area requirement. A competing technology is based on an RF approach, with small size chip but impractical power levels of pW to µW, and efficiency close to unity.

Daniel Alabi, Nicolas Garraud and John Varela won the Best Poster and the Best Demo Awards at the MIST 2017 Fall Meeting

Congratulations to Daniel Alabi, Nicolas Garraud and John Varela for winning the Best Poster and the Best Demo Awards at the MIST 2017 Fall Meeting for their project "Chip-Scale MEMS Receivers for Low-Power Wireless Charging."

Advisors: Dr. Alexandra Garraud and Dr. David Arnold

2016 IMG Annual Report

The IMG faculty are pleased to release the first IMG annual report for the calendar year 2016. This document is a record of the group activities, achievements and finances for the previous year. You are encouraged to refer to this document if needed.

The 2016 IMG Annual Report can be downloaded here.

2016-2017 IMG Awards

Congratulations to Mayur Ghagte, Seahee Hwangbo, Camilo Vélez and Xiao Wen for winning the first edition of the IMG Awards for 2016-2017. The IMG Awards recognize outstanding achievements and contributions of student members in our organization. The research awards honor the exceptional academic impact the students have made in their field, and the service awards acknowledge the hard work the students have put into improving and maintaining the quality of IMG.

  •  Mayur Ghagte, Seahee Hwangbo and Camilo Vélez won the IMG Excellence in Research.
  •  Camilo Vélez and Xiao Wen won the IMG Excellence in Service.

IMG Kickoff Meeting

Event date: 
Fri, 08/18/2017 - 11:45am to 1:30pm

Welcome back from a great summer IMG members!

As the Fall semester moves closer, we will be having our IMG Kickoff Meeting on August 18, 2017 from 11:45AM to 1:30PM. During this meeting, we'll cover all manner of IMG topics and introduce new members to the group. We will also be taking our group photo, so if you have a IMG polo or t-shirt, feel free to wear it.

Please note, all IMG members are expected to attend this meeting! Pizza and drinks will be provided as well!

Magnetic Thick Films for Integrated Microwave Devices

This project is under DARPA's Magnetic Miniaturized and Monolithically Integrated Components (M3IC) program in the DARPA Microsystems Technology Office.

The objective of this effort is to develop thick-film magnetic materials that can be fabricated on semiconductor integrated circuits to enable highly miniaturized microwave components such as circulators and isolators operating in the 10 to 110 GHz frequency regime. These nonlinear, non-reciprocal components are critical for next generation radios, radar, and sensing systems for defense, consumer, automotive, and healthcare applications.

Miniaturization of Resonant Wireless Power Transfer System Components

Portable and wearable electronics require wireless charging to sustain mobile usage at convenient positions and locations. The goal is to develop a compact, highly power efficient wireless power transfer charging system operating at 6.78 MHz, which is compliant with the Rezence standard.The research scope includes development of a highly compact, high efficiency, ferrite-core receiver antenna; and a metamaterial lens to enhance WPT efficiency between the transmitter and the receiver.  In this work, we focus on WPT receiver modules for various portable and wearable consumable electronics with a power rating of ~10 W such as smart phones, radios, laptops, tablets, and military electronics. In future work, this technology could also be scalable to other power ranges, such as mW for biomedical implants to kW for automobiles.