Mark Sheplak

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Freidkes, B., D. A. Mills, W. C. Patterson, P. M. Fournier, and M. Sheplak, "A Flush-Mounted Dual-Axis Wall Shear Stress Sensor", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, pp. 1 - 7, Jan-01-2020.
Mills, D. A., W. C. Patterson, B. Freidkes, C. Keane, and M. Sheplak, "Characterization of a Fully-Differential, Dual-Axis, Capacitive Wall Shear Stress Sensor System for Low-Speed Wind Tunnels", AIAA Aviation 2019 ForumAIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, Dallas, TexasReston, Virginia, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019.
Freidkes, B., D. A. Mills, C. Keane, L. S. Ukeiley, and M. Sheplak, "Development of a Two-Dimensional Wall Shear Stress Sensor for Wind Tunnel Applications", AIAA Scitech 2019 ForumAIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, San Diego, CaliforniaReston, Virginia, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019.
Zhou, H., D. A. Mills, A. Vera, A. Garraud, W. Oates, and M. Sheplak, "A High-Temperature Optical Sapphire Pressure Sensor For Harsh Environments", AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, San Diego, CaliforniaReston, Virginia, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019.
Pabon, R. J., L. Ukeiley, M. Sheplak, and C. Barnard Keane, "Characteristics of turbulent boundary layer large scale motions using direct fluctuating wall shear stress measurements", Physical Review Fluids, vol. 3, issue 11, Jan-11-2018.
Mills, D. A., W. C. Patterson, C. Keane, and M. Sheplak, "Characterization of a Fully-Differential Capacitive Wall Shear Stress Sensor for Low-Speed Wind Tunnels", 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, FloridaReston, Virginia, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018.
Rogers, J. E., Y-K. Yoon, M. Sheplak, and J. W. Judy, "A Passive Wireless Microelectromechanical Pressure Sensor for Harsh Environments", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 27, issue 1, pp. 73 - 85, Jan-02-2018.
Mills, D. A., C. Barnard, and M. Sheplak, "Characterization of a Hydraulically Smooth Wall Shear Stress Sensor for Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Applications", 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, TexasReston, Virginia, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2017.
Pabon, R., D. A. Mills, L. S. Ukeiley, and M. Sheplak, "Convection of wall shear stress events in a turbulent boundary layer", 70th APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Denver, CO, 2017.
Griffin, B. A., M. D. Williams, G. Wang, B. V. Sankar, L. N. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "The electromechanical behavior of piezoelectric thin film composite diaphragms possessing in-plane stresses", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 27, issue 4, pp. 045017, Jan-04-2017.
Reagan, T., J. Meloy, J. R. Underbrink, and M. Sheplak, "Fabrication and Characterization of a Flush-Mount MEMS Piezoelectric Dynamic Pressure Sensor and Associated Package for Aircraft Fuselage Arrays", 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, Texas, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 01/2017.
Sheplak, M., "MEMS-Based acoustic sensors for fluid mechanics and aeroacoustics", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 141, issue 5, pp. 3721 - 3721, Jan-05-2017.
Barnard, C., D. Mills, and M. Sheplak, "A system for vector measurement of aerodynamic wall shear stress", 2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS)2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), Kaohsiung, IEEE, 2017.