IMG Seminar Series: Acoustic Phonons: from Physics to Engineering Applications

Event date: 
Fri, 09/04/2015 - 3:45pm
Dr. Tabrizian will present an overview of semiconductor micromechanical resonators and acoustic phonon traps. The phonon-level formulation of vibration modes and dissipation mechanisms will be described. Performance sensitivity of phonon traps to physical interactions will be discussed and followed by demonstration of several applications in environmental sensing and physical gauging. Moreover, temperature and dissipation compensation techniques for realization of highly-stable low-loss micro-resonators for frequency reference purposes will be reviewed.

IMG Welcomes New Faculty Member, Dr. Roozbeh Tabrizian

IMG welcomes Dr. Roozbeh Tabrizian as a new faculty member in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Tabrizian received the BS in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2007, and the PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013. He was then a Post-doctoral research fellow in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department at University of Michigan. Roozbeh’s research has resulted in more than 25 journal and conference papers, and 6 patents. His research activities are focused on theoretical and experimental investigation of mixed-domain physical devices such as sensors, actuators, resonators and energy harvesters, and development of micro and nanofabrication techniques for large-scale integration of microsystems.

Camilo wins Best Poster at Frontiers in Biomagnetic Particles Conference

Camilo Velez Cuervo was awarded "Best Poster" for "Analysis of Microscale Permanent Magnets for Capturing Magnetic Particles in Biological Fluids" at the 2015 Frontiers in Biomagnetic Particles Conference in Telluride, CO.  Congratulations to Camilo, Alexandra, and other co-authors!

UF Team Wins 2nd Place at iCAN 2015 International Micro/Nanotechnology Competition

The UF Smart Mouthguard team won 2nd place in the International Contest of Applications in Nano/Micro Technologies (iCAN 2015).

iCAN is an international competition for college students, to promote the innovative spirits of youth, to construct collaboration platforms, and to increase applications of nano-micro technology. More than 15,000 students participated in the contest and 19 finalist teams from 12 countries were invited to the finals held in Anchorage, AK, June 20 - 22, 2015. The UF team represented the USA and won 2nd place out of the 19 finalist teams.

The UF team included

Students: Justin Correll (ECE, Undergrad), Tim Ajmani (ECE, Undergrad), Troy Templin (BME, Undergrad), Sheng-Po Fang (ECE, Graduate)

Advisors: YK Yoon (ECE), Fong Wong (Dentistry), Huikai Xie (ECE)