Dr. Moghaddam Received $1M Grant from the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy - DOE

For development of innovative building efficiency technologies. 
University of Florida is one of the two academic institutions that has received funding under this program as a primary awardee. 
The project is among 7 selected technologies with potential to dramatically reduce energy consumption in buildings. In 2013, energy consumption in buildings accounted for nearly 40 percent of all energy use in the U.S., an estimated cost of $413 billion.  
In the annoncement, Kathleen Hogan, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency stated that “These innovative approaches will improve smart-building technologies, including lighting, lighting controls, highly insulated walls and windows, as well as increase efficiency measures that complement a building’s entire energy management system.”
Further details about the announcement can be found here.

Launch of MIST Center

--Innovating More than Moore technologies for smart systems in the Internet of Things era--
We are pleased to announce a new NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Center (I/UCRC) in Multi-functional Integrated System Technology.  The MIST Center is led at UF under the direction of Dr. Toshi Nishida, with a strong partnership with UCF.
The mission of the MIST Center is to facilitate integration of novel materials, processes, devices, and circuits into multi-functional systems through research partnerships between university, industry, and government stakeholders
The MIST Center Kickoff Meeting will be held December 11-12 in Gainesville, Florida. 
It was the support from industry and government partners, our MIST faculty, and students that made this new venture possible.
                                          -- Toshi Nishida, MIST Center Director

IMG Kickoff Meeting

Event date: 
Fri, 08/22/2014 - 5:00pm to 6:30pm

We will hold an IMG Kickoff meeting on Friday August 22nd in Larsen 310, starting at 1 pm, immediately after our Friday BBQ.  This meeting is mandatory for all IMG personnel.  We will provide an overview of IMG to new students, review lab organization/training, emphasize importance of the wiki, and review safety information.

Dissertation Defense: Daniel Blood

Event date: 
Fri, 06/27/2014 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Daniel Blood will defend his dissertation "Simulation, Part Path Correction, and Automated Process Parameter Selection for Ultrashort Pulsed Laser Micromachining of Sapphire" on Friday, June 27 in Larsen 234 at 1:00. Refreshments and drinks will be provided, and all are encouraged to attend.

Daniel Blood part of team awarded $25,000 for winning the UF Big Idea Business Plan Competition

Daniel Blood, Rob Damitz and Erica Gonzaga, co-founders of aqUV, developed a portable water purification device that uses ultraviolet light to sterilize water were awarded $25,000 for winning the UF Big Idea Business Plan Competition.   More information can be found here.