IMG Seminar: Dr. Alina Zare

Event date: 
Fri, 09/28/2018 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

This week, the speaker for the IMG Seminar is Dr. Alina Zare on Addressing spatial uncertainty during remote sensing data analysis.

Most supervised machine learning algorithms assume that each training data point is paired with an accurate training label (for classification) or value (for regression). However, obtaining accurate training label information is often time consuming and expensive, making it infeasible for large data sets, or may simply be impossible to provide given the physics of the problem. Furthermore, human annotators may be inconsistent when labeling a data set, providing inherently imprecise label information.

In the case of problems with imprecise label information, Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) methods are required. The Multiple Instance Adaptive Cosine Estimator (MI-ACE) approach is one of the few MIL methods that can estimate a representative target concept. In this presentation, an introduction to the MI-ACE approach will be provided along with a description of several MIL-based algorithms and results on a variety of data types and applications.

Nishida Group Open House

Event date: 
Fri, 09/21/2018 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm

Come on out to learn about the research going on in the Nishida group! The students and research topics can be found below.

Benton 214 (M-test):

  • Paul Chojecki - Stress measurements and modeling of ferroelectric hafnium oxide   
  • Zane Forrester - Pyroelectric characterization of thin hafnium oxide films  
  • Kartik Sondhi - Flexible and Stretchable Printed electronics
  • Glen Walters - Ferroelectric fabrication and characterization of hafnium oxide for non-volatile memory 

Benton 230 (Microfab):

  • Aftab Bhanvadia - Development of a microstereolithography system (3D printing) for micro-devices (Demo outside, tour for those with access to 230)

IMG Seminar: Mark Yanchisin (EH&S) and Kangfu Chen

Event date: 
Fri, 09/14/2018 - 11:45am to 12:45pm

This week, the speakers for the IMG Seminar are:

  • Mark Yanchisin (EH&S) on Non-traditional safety
  • Kangfu Chen (Dr. Fan's group) on A filter array regulated microflow (FARM) chip for circulating tumor cell isolation

A filter array regulated microflow (FARM) chip for circulating tumor cell isolation . Circulating tumor cells (CTC) are cancer cells in the circulating system shredded from the primary tumor. CTCs have been considered as important biomarkers for early detection of metastasis, therapy monitoring and disease prognosis. However, the rarity of CTCs in the blood (tens of CTCs per mL blood) remains a technological barricade. We developed a Filter Array Regulated Microflow (FARM) chip combing filtration and immunoaffinity based CTC capture. The FARM chip is able to isolate CTCs with low deformability or high antibody expression level. Even more deformable CTCs with lower antibody expression are likely to be captured if the two components combination exceeds the CTC capture threshold. Overall, this method is capable of isolating, detecting and enumerating CTCs with high throughput and superb efficiency.

IMG 2018 Kick-Off Meeting

Congratulations to all of this year's IMG Award recipients, and a special thanks to all those who have contributed to our group. This year's kick-off meeting focused on the future of our group, and making it evident that "our most valuable asset is you". Let us continue working as a team and setting a precedent for research groups all around. 

The IMG Awards recognize outstanding achievements and contributions of student members in our organization. The research award honors the exceptional academic impact the students have made in their field, and the service award acknowledges the hard work the students have put into improving and maintaining the quality of IMG.

  •  Xiao Jiang won the IMG Excellence in Research.
  •  Nicolas Garraud and Richard Rode won the IMG Excellence in Service.

2017 IMG Annual Report

The IMG faculty are pleased to release the IMG annual report for the calendar year 2017. This document is a record of the group activities, achievements and finances for the previous year. You are encouraged to refer to this document if needed.

The 2017 IMG Annual Report can be downloaded here.

IMG Kickoff Meeting

Event date: 
Tue, 08/21/2018 - 11:45am to 1:30pm

With the Fall semester arriving, we will be having our IMG Kickoff Meeting on August 21, 2018 (day before classes start) from 11:45AM to 1:30PM. During this meeting, we'll discuss important IMG updates, introduce new members, recognize our accomplishments over the last year, and present some IMG awards. We may also try to take a group photo, so if you have a IMG polo or t-shirt, please wear it.

Please note, all IMG members are expected to attend this meeting. Pizza and drinks will be provided.

Seahee Hwangbo wins the Gator Engineering Attribute Award

Congratulations to Seahee Hwangbo for winning the Gator Engineering Attribute Awards for the 2018-2019 academic year in the category of professional excellence. She was selected for exemplifying the attribute of professional excellence with her strong record of research performance. Considered the greatest distinction of any student award given by the UF Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering, the Gator Engineering Attribute Awards are intended to provide an ideal guide for all members of the Gator Engineering community.