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Aram, E., R. Mittal, J. Griffin, and L. Cattafesta, "Towards Effective ZNMF Jet Based Control of a Canonical Separated Flow", 5th AIAA Flow Control Conference, Chicago, IL, AIAA, 06/2010.
Aram, E., R. Mittal, and L. Cattafesta, "Toward Simple Boundary Condition Representations of Zero-Net Mass-Flux Actuators in Grazing Flow", 39th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 2009-4018, San Antonio, TX, June, 2009.
Arunajatesan, S., Q. Song, M. Palavicini, C. Moreno, and L. Cattafesta, "Towards Adaptive Closed-Loop Control of Transonic Cavity Flows", 4th Flow Control Conference: AIAA, 06/2008.
Cassano, C.L., K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori, and Z.H. Fan, "Thermal Lens Microscopy as a Detector in Microdevices", Electrophoresis, vol. 35, no. 12, 02/2014.
Castillo-Torres, K. Y., N. Garraud, E. S. McLamore, and D. P. Arnold, "Towards pathogen detection via optical interrogation of magnetic microdiscs", Tech. Dig. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2016), Hilton Head, SC, 06/2016.
Cattafesta, L., S. Arunajatesan, and R. Mittal, "Towards Closed-Loop Flow Control: Issues in Modeling, Simulation, and Experimental Implementation", 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2009-0607 (oral presentation), January, 2009.
Chai, J., H. Jia, X. Dong, C. Huang, L. Jiang, and H. Xie, "Trace Gas Detection Using a MEMS-Based Portable Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer", Fourier Transform SpectroscopyLight, Energy and the Environment 2018 (E2, FTS, HISE, SOLAR, SSL), SingaporeWashington, D.C., OSA, 2018.
Chandrasekaran, V., E. Chow, T. Kenny, T. Nishida, and M. Sheplak, "Through Wafer Electrical Interconnects for MEMS Sensors", Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2001, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper MEMS-23846, vol. 2, New York, NY, November, 2001.
Chandrasekaran, V., E. Chow, T. Kenny, T. Nishida, L. Cattafesta, B. V. Sankar, and M. Sheplak, "Thermoelastically Actuated Acoustic Proximity Sensor with Integrated Through-Wafer Interconnects", Solid-State Sensor and Actuator Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 102-107, June, 2002.
Chandrasekaran, V., M. Sheplak, L. Cattafesta, and B. V. Sankar, "Thermoelastic Actuation: Solution for Circular Composite Plates with Application in MEMS", International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, ASME Paper IMECE2002-39334, New Orleans, LA, November, 2002.
Chen, K., T. Z. Georgiev, W. Sheng, X. Zheng, J. I. Varillas, J. Zhang, and H. Z. Fan, "Tumor cell capture patterns around aptamer-immobilized microposts in microfluidic devices", Biomicrofluidics, vol. 11, issue 5, pp. 054110, Oct-02-2017.
Clingenpeel, T., S. Hwangbo, N. Garraud, D. P. Arnold, and Y-K. Yoon, "Thermal Stability of Cu/Co Metaconductor and Its Millimeter Wave Applications", 2018 IEEE 68th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE, 2018.
Dai, X., L. Xi, C. Duan, H. Yang, H. Xie, and H. Jiang, "A tri-modal miniature probe for in vivo imaging", Optical Tomography and SpectroscopyBiomedical Optics 2016, Fort Lauderdale, FloridaWashington, D.C., OSA, pp. OTu4C.6, 2016.
Fu, L., A. Jain, C. Cranfield, H. Xie, and M. Gu, "Three-dimensional nonlinear optical endoscopy", Journal of Biomedical Optics, vol. 12, no. 040501, 07/2007.
Cassano, C. L., and K. Mawatari, "Thermal lens microscopy as a detector in microdevices", ELECTROPHORESIS, vol. 35, issue 16, pp. 2279 - 2291, 08/2014.
Chen, H., and H. Z. Fan, "Two-dimensional protein separation in microfluidic devices", ELECTROPHORESIS, vol. 30, issue 5, pp. 758 - 765, 03/2009.
George, T. J., O. O. Ogunwobi, W. Sheng, H. Z. Fan, and C. Liu, "“Tissue is the Issue”: Circulating Tumor Cells in Pancreatic Cancer", Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer, vol. 45, issue S1, pp. 222 - 225, 12/2014.
Griffin, B. A., V. Chandrasekaran, and M. Sheplak, "Thermoelastically Actuated Acoustic Proximity Sensor with Integrated Through-Silicon Vias", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 21, no. 2, 04/2012.
Guo, S., L. Wu, J. Sun, L. Liu, and H. Xie, "Three Dimensional Optical Coherence Tomography based on a High-Fill-Factor Microelectromechanical Mirror", OSA Spring Optics & Photonics Congress,, Vancouver, Canada, April, 2009.
Guo, S., L. Wu, J. Sun, L. Liu, and H. Xie, "Three-Dimensional Optical Coherence Tomography Based on a High-Fill-Factor Microelectromechanical Mirror", Novel Techniques in Microscopy: Optical Society of America, pp. NTuB3, 2009.
Habibimatin, M., A. Fazeli, and S. Moghaddam, "Thermographic characterization of thin liquid film formation and evaporation in microchannels", Lab on a Chip, vol. 19, issue 15, pp. 2610 - 2618, Nov-07-2020, 2019.
Habibimatin, M., and S. Moghaddam, "Thin liquid films formation and evaporation mechanisms around elongated bubbles in rectangular cross-section microchannels", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 163, pp. 120474, Jan-12-2020.
Horowitz, S., A. Kasyap V.S., F. Liu, D. Johnson, T. Nishida, K. Ngo, M. Sheplak, and L. Cattafesta, "Technology Development for Self-Powered Sensors", 1st AIAA Flow Control Conference, AIAA Paper 2002-2702, St. Louis, MO, June, 2002.
Jain, A., T. Xie, Y. Pan, G. K. Fedder, and H. Xie, "A Two-Axis SCS Electrothermal Micromirror for Biomedical Imaging", 2003 IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS, Waikoloa, Hawaii, August, 2003.
Jain, A., A. Kopa, Y. Pan, G. K. Fedder, and H. Xie, "A Two-Axis Electrothermal Micromirror for Endoscopic Optical Coherence Tomography", IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, vol. 10, issue 3, pp. 636 - 642, 05/2004.