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"A MEMS-Based Monolithic Electrostatic Microactuator for Ultra-Low Magnetic Disk Head Fly Height Control", IEEE Transaction on Magnetics, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 1915-1918, JUL, 2001.
, "Modeling and Design of Piezoelectric Actuators for Fluid Flow Control", SAE 2000 Transactions Journal of Aerospace, vol. 109, pp. 1088-1095, JAN, 2001.
, "Quantitative Schlieren Measurements of Coherent Structures In a Cavity Shear Layer", Experiments in Fluids, vol. 30, no. 2, pp. 123-134, JAN, 2001.
, "Through Wafer Electrical Interconnects for MEMS Sensors", Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2001, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper MEMS-23846, vol. 2, New York, NY, November, 2001.
, "Through Wafer Electrical Interconnects for MEMS Sensors", Proceedings of ASME IMECE 2001, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper MEMS-23846, vol. 2, New York, NY, November, 2001.
, "Dynamic Calibration Technique for Thermal Shear Stress Sensors with Variable Mean Flow", 38th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, AIAA Paper 2000-0508, Reno, NV, January, 2000.
, "Dynamic Calibration Technique for Thermal Shear Stress Sensors with Variable Mean Flow", 38th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, AIAA Paper 2000-0508, Reno, NV, January, 2000.
, "Experimentation and Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers by Hugh Coleman and W. Glenn Steele", AIAA Journal, Vol. 38, No. 1, p. 191, 2000, JAN, 2000.
, "Modeling and Design of Piezoelectric Actuators for Fluid Control", World Aviation Conference, San Diego, CA, October, 2000.
, "Photogrammetry Applied to Wind-Tunnel Testing", AIAA Journal, vol. 38, no. 6, pp. 964-971, JUN, 2000.
, "Reduced Order Modeling for Low Reynolds Number Flow Control", Proceedings of SPIEs 6th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, Mathematics Modeling and Control Conference, vol. 3667, Newport Beach, CA, pp. 68-79, March, 1999.
, "Chip fabrication for combinatorial chemistry", Microstructures and Microfabricated Systems III, pp. 89-93, SEP, 1997.
, "Direct-current measurements of oxide and interface traps on oxidized silicon", IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., vol. 42, pp. 1657-1662, SEP, 1995.