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Garraud, A., and D. P. Arnold, "Advancements in electrodynamic wireless power transmission", IEEE Sensors Conf., Orlando,FL, 10.2016.
Garraud, A., O. D. Oniku, W. C. Patterson, E. Shorman, D. LeRoy, N. M. Dempsey, and D. P. Arnold, "Microscale Magnetic Patterning Of Hard Magnetic Films Using Microfabricated Magnetizing Masks", 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), San Francisco, CA, IEEE, 2014.
Garraud, A., D. J. Munzer, M. Althar, N. Garraud, and D. P. Arnold, "Watt-level wireless power transmission to multiple compact receivers", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 660, no. 1, pp. 012039, 2015.
Garraud, A., O. D. Oniku, and D. P. Arnold, "Influence of temperature on the magnetic properties of electroplated L10 CoPt thick films", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 117, issue 17, pp. 17C718, 05/2015.
Garraud, A., C. Velez, Y. Shah, N. Garraud, B. Kozissnik, E. G. Yarmola, K. D. Allen, J. Dobson, and D. P. Arnold, "Investigation of the Capture of Magnetic Particles From High-Viscosity Fluids Using Permanent Magnets", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. 63, issue 2, pp. 372 - 378, 2/2016.
Garraud, A., E. Shorman, O. D. Oniku, B. Qi, and D. P. Arnold, "Influence of temperature on the magnetic properties of electroplated Co-rich Co-Pt thick films", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 24, no. 1, 11/2013, 2014.
Garraud, A., B. Kozissnik, C. Velez, E. G. Yarmola, K. D. Allen, J. P. Dobson, and D. P. Arnold, "Collection of magnetic particles from synovial fluid using Nd-Fe-B micromagnets", Symposium of Design, Test, Integration and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS (DTIP), Cannes, France, 2014.
Garraud, N., and D. P. Arnold, "Characterization of the rotational dynamics of magnetic microdiscs in suspension", Tech. Dig. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2014), Hilton Head, SC, pp. 299-302, 06/2014.
Garraud, N., R. Dhavalikar, M. Unni, S. Savliwala, C. Rinaldi, and D. P. Arnold, "Benchtop magnetic particle relaxometer for detection, characterization and analysis of magnetic nanoparticles", Physics in Medicine & Biology, vol. 63, issue 17, pp. 175016, Jan-09-2018.
Chen, H., and H. Z. Fan, "Two-dimensional protein separation in microfluidic devices", ELECTROPHORESIS, vol. 30, issue 5, pp. 758 - 765, 03/2009.
George, T. J., O. O. Ogunwobi, W. Sheng, H. Z. Fan, and C. Liu, "“Tissue is the Issue”: Circulating Tumor Cells in Pancreatic Cancer", Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer, vol. 45, issue S1, pp. 222 - 225, 12/2014.
Georgieva, A. T., V. Pappu, V. Krishna, P. G. Georgiev, I. Ghiviriga, P. Indeglia, X. Xu, Z.H. Fan, B. Koopman, P. M. Pardalos, et al., "Polyhydroxy fullerenes", Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 15, issue 7, 7/2013.
Ghatge, M., G. Walters, T. Nishida, and R. Tabrizian, "Phononic detection of morphological phase transition in atomic-layered Hafnium-Zirconium-Oxide", 2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, IEEE, 2017.
Ghatge, M., P. Karri, and R. Tabrizian, "Power-Insensitive Silicon Crystal-Cut for Amplitude-Stable Frequency Synthesis", IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2017), 2017.
Ghatge, M., and R. Tabrizian, "The effect of elastic anharmonicity on the nonlinear behavior of waveguide-based AlN resonator", 2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium ((EFTF/IFC), BESANÇON, France, IEEE, 2017.
Ghatge, M., and R. Tabrizian, "A Nonlinearly Coupled Aluminum Nitride Matrix for Phase-Synchronous Clock Generation", NAPA 2017, Napa, CA, 2017.
Ghatge, M., and R. Tabrizian, "Exploiting elastic anharmonicity in aluminum nitride matrix for phase-synchronous frequency reference generation", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 112, issue 12, March, 2018.
Ghatge, M., K. Kallam, and R. Tabrizian, "Observation of Acoustoelectric Amplification at Aluminum Nitride-Germanium Interface", NAPA 2017, Napa, CA, 2017.
Ghatge, M., and R. Tabrizian, "Bilayer nano-waveguide resonators for sensing applications", 2016 IEEE SENSORS, Orlando, FL, USA, IEEE, 2016.
Ghosh, A., and S. Pal, "Optimal actuation of a MEMS cantilever by a laser beam", SPIE Optics East, Paper 6374A-20, Boston, MA, October, 2006.
Gluesenkamp, K. R., D. Chugh, O. Abdelaziz, and S. Moghaddam, "Efficiency analysis of semi-open sorption heat pump systems", Renewable Energy, vol. 110, pp. 95 - 104, Jan-09-2017.
Graham, J. B., E. W. Atkinson, E. A. Nunamaker, B. S. Spearman, V. H. Desai, C. S. Shafor, S. Natt, R. A. Wachs, C. E. Schmidt, J. W. Judy, et al., "Histological evaluation of chronically implanted tissue-engineered-electronic-neural-interface (TEENI) devices", 2017 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), Shanghai, China, IEEE, 2017.
Griffin, B. A., D. Mills, T. Schmitz, and M. Sheplak, "A Sapphire Based Fiber Optic Dynamic Pressure Sensor for Harsh Environments: Fabrication and Characterization", 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Orlando, FL, AIAA, 01/2011.
Griffin, B. A., V. Chandrasekaran, and M. Sheplak, "Thermoelastically Actuated Acoustic Proximity Sensor with Integrated Through-Silicon Vias", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 21, no. 2, 04/2012.
Griffin, J., T. Schultz, R. Holman, L. Ukeiley, and L. Cattafesta, "Application of multivariate outlier detection to fluid velocity measurements", Experiments in Fluids, vol. 49, issue 1, pp. 305-317, 07/2010.