IMG Seminar: Microscale DBD Plasma Device

Event date: 
Fri, 06/10/2011 - 3:00pm to 3:30pm

Justin Zito will speak on the topic of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma devices. The talk will include a brief description on DBD actuators, their uses, the benefits of going to microscale geometries, fabrication, and device characterization. Following the seminar, there will be barbecue in the Benton-Larsen courtyard.

IMGers Landing Top Jobs

Despite the slow economic recovery, IMG graduate students and post-graduate associates have continued to land top industry and government jobs.  Since the spring semester, several IMG graduates have departed or will depart for full-time positions across the United States.  These members are:

  • Drew Wetzel (PhD '11) - Boeing Commercial Aircraft (Seattle, WA)
  • Chris Bahr (PhD '10 and post-graduate associate until May '11) - NASA Langley Research Center (Langley, VA)
  • Jeremy Sells (PhD '11)- Hewlett Packard (Corvalis, OR)
  • Matt Williams (PhD '11) - Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque, NM)
  • Ben Griffin (PhD '09 and post-graduate associate until July '11) - Sandia National Laboratories (Albuquerque, NM)

Congratulations to all of these former students!

IMGers Attend Acoustical Society of America Meeting in Seattle, WA

Lou Cattafesta and Fei Liu attended the 161st Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Seattle, Washington on May 23-27.

Fei presented a talk on Thursday, May 26th, titled Analyzing acoustic response of orifices using transfer matrix method, co-authored by Matias Oyarzun and Lou Cattafesta.

Lou presented a talk on Friday, May 27th, titled An aeroacoustic microelectromechanical systems microphone phased array, co-authored by Adam Edstrand, Chris Bahr, Matt Williams, Jessica Meloy, Tiffany Reagan, Drew Wetzel and Mark Sheplak.  In it, Lou described ongoing work at IMG to transition recently-developed MEMS piezoelectric microphones into phased arrays in the UF Aeroacoustic Flow Facility.

IMG Undergraduates Recognized at MAE Awards Banquet

IMG undergraduates Ann Dietrich (Cattafesta), Carlos Pulido (Cattafesta), and Kevin Rosenberg (Sheplak) were recognized at tonight's Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 2011 Awards Dinner for participation in the University Scholars Program.  Ann Dietrich was also awarded a Boeing Scholarship and was recognized for presenting a top-3 research poster at a contest today.  Congratulations to all of these students!

IMG Undergraduate Tiffany Reagan wins NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Congratulations to Tiffany Reagan, a senior IMG undergraduate student, who has today been named a 2011 winner of the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship.  Tiffany has been with IMG since April of 2010 and has been an integral contributor to the development of a MEMS piezoelectric microphone for aeroacoustic applications and other research within Dr. Mark Sheplak's group.  She will choose between University of Florida and California Institute of Technology for her graduate work.  Congratulations, Tiffany!