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Shetye, S., and D. P. Arnold, "Magnetic self-assembly of millimeter scale components", 2008 NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Knoxville, TN, 01/2008.
Shetye, S., I. Eskinazi, and D. P. Arnold, "Magnetic self-assembly with angular orientation and selective bonding", 2009 NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Honolulu, HI, 06/2009.
Sheplak, M., "MEMS-Based acoustic sensors for fluid mechanics and aeroacoustics", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 141, issue 5, pp. 3721 - 3721, Jan-05-2017.
Sheplak, M., and J. Seiner, "A MEMS Microphone for Aeroacoustics Measurements", 37th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, AIAA Paper 99-0606, Reno, NV, January, 1999.
Sheplak, M., L. Cattafesta, and T. Nishida, "MEMS Shear Stress Sensors: Promise and Progress", 24th AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, AIAA 2004-2606 (invited), Portland, OR, June, 2004.
Sheng, W., T. Chen, W. Tan, and H. Fan, "Multivalent DNA Nanospheres for Enhanced Capture of Cancer Cells in Microfluidic Devices", ACS Nano, vol. 7, issue 8, pp. 7067 - 7076, 08/2013.
Sells, J., V. Chandrasekharan, J. Meloy, M. Sheplak, H. Zmuda, and D. P. Arnold, "Microfabricated silicon-on-Pyrex passive wireless wall shear stress sensor", 2011 IEEE Sensors2011 IEEE SENSORS Proceedings, Limerick, Ireland, IEEE, pp. 77 - 80, 2011.
Schultz, T., L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "Modal Decomposition Method for High Frequency Acosutic Impedance Testing", ASA Fall Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2005.
Schultz, T., L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "Modal decomposition method for acoustic impedance testing in rectangular ducts", 44th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA 2006-1014, Reno, NV, January, 2006.
Schultz, T., L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "Modal decomposition method for acoustic impedance testing in square ducts", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 120, no. 6, pp. 3750-3758, DEC, 2006.
Sawant, S. G., B. George, L. S. Ukeiley, and D. P. Arnold, "Microfabricated Electrodynamic Synthetic Jet Actuators", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 27, issue 1, pp. 95 - 105, Nov-17-2017, 2018.
Sawant, S. G., M. Oyarzun, M. Sheplak, L. Cattafesta, and D. P. Arnold, "Modeling of electrodynamic zero-net mass-flux actuators", AIAA Journal, vol. 50, no. 6, 06/2012.
Rendon-Hernandez, A. A., M. A. Halim, S. E. Smith, and D. P. Arnold, "Magnetically Coupled Microelectromechanical Resonators for Low-Frequency Wireless Power Transfer", 2022 IEEE 35th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS)2022 IEEE 35th International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems Conference (MEMS), Tokyo, Japan, IEEE, 2022.
Ravi, S., D. Horner, and S. Moghaddam, "Monoporous micropillar wick structures, I-Mass transport characteristics", Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 73, issue 1, pp. 1371 - 1377, Jan-12-2014.
Ravi, S., R. Dharmarajan, and S. Moghaddam, "Measurement of Capillary Radius and Contact Angle within Porous Media", Langmuir, vol. 31, issue 47, pp. 12954 - 12959, Jul-12-2016, 2015.
Rahimi, A., and Y.-K. Yoon, "Magnetically tunable nano-superlattice metaconductors for RF applications", 2016 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), San Francisco, CA, IEEE, 2016.
Qu, H., D. Fang, and H. Xie, "A Monolithic CMOS-MEMS 3-Axis Accelerometer With a Low-Noise, Low-Power Dual-Chopper Amplifier", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 8, issue 9, pp. 1511 - 1518, 09/2008.
Qu, H., D. Fang, and H. Xie, "A Monolithic CMOS-MEMS 3-Axis Accelerometer with A Low-Noise, Low-Power Dual Chopper Amplifier", Solid-state Sensors, Actuators and Microsystem Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 224-227, June, 2006.
Qu, H., D. Fang, and H. Xie, Microfabrication and Characterization of an Integrated 3-Axis CMOS-MEMS Accelerometer: IEEE, pp. 60 - 67, 2005.
Pitchaimani, K., B. C. Sapp, A. Winter, A. Gispanski, T. Nishida, and H. Z. Fan, "Manufacturable plastic microfluidic valves using thermal actuation", Lab on a Chip, vol. 9, issue 21, pp. 3082, 2009.
Peng, C., H. Lai, M. E. Orazem, and S. Moghaddam, "Microstructure of clay fabric in electrokinetic dewatering of phosphatic clay dispersions", Applied Clay Science, vol. 158, pp. 94 - 101, Jan-06-2018.
Patterson, W. C., E. Shorman, N. Garraud, and D. P. Arnold, "A magneto-optical microscope for quantitative mapping of the stray fields from magnetic microstructures", Tech. Dig. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2014), Hilton Head, SC, pp. 359-362, 06/2014.
Patterson, W. C., N. Garraud, E. E. Shorman, and D. P. Arnold, "A magneto-optical microscope for quantitative measurement of magnetic microstructures", Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 86, issue 9, pp. 094704, 09/2015.
Paneri, A., and S. Moghaddam, "Methanol and Proton Transport Characteristics of Graphene Oxide Proton Exchange Membrane", ASME 2013 Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 07/2013.
Pal, S., and H. Xie, "Maximization of constant velocity scan range of electrothermally-actuated micromirror by pulse width modulated drive", Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, 2009 IEEE/LEOS International Conference on, Clearwater Beach, FL, pp. 55 -56, 08/2010, 2009.