Women's History Month: Cameron Anderson

Our second featured member for Women's History Month is Cameron Anderson! An Oakland, NJ native, Cameron joined IMG in the fall of 2020. While working at an energy access startup, she decided to pursue her PhD to enable a career change. Her research focuses on screen-printed flexible electronics, specifically sensors for wearable devices. Cameron is keeping her post-graduation options open, but currently plans to go to industry and continue working with flexible electronics.

Women's History Month: Hae-In Kim

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we want to highlight the very talented female members of IMG, starting with Hae-In Kim! Originally from South Korea, Hae-In joined IMG back in 2018 and was motivated by her interest in radio frequency (RF) devices to pursue her PhD. Her research focuses on investigating the use of metaconductors to minimize conductor loss in certain RF devices. On top of her scientific work, Hae-In also has a passion for promoting diversity and inclusion in STEM through her involvement with IEEE Women in Engineering.

Congratulations to Aftab and Dr. Nishida on their Scientific Reports Publication!

Congratulations to IMG Member Aftab Bhanvadia and Dr. Toshikazu Nishida on their recent journal publication, “3D printing of hollow geometries using blocking liquid substitution stereolithography” in Scientific Reports!  This work improves freedom over the 3D printing process by using UV blocking liquids in hollow geometries.  Read more about it here: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-26684-z

Congratulations to Minh-Chau Le on UFHCC Predoctoral Award!

Congratulations to IMG member Minh-Chau Le on being awarded the UF Health Cancer Center (UFHCC) Predoctoral Award! The annual UFHCC Predoctoral Awards are intended to recognize and support outstanding predoctoral candidates who are conducting innovative cancer research. Under Dr. Hugh Fan’s mentorship, Minh-Chau is conducting her dissertation work titled: “Microfluidic Platforms for the Detection of Rare Cells in Sarcomas and Triple-Negative Breast Cancer.” 

Congratulations to Suhas and Dr. Moghaddam on their International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer Publication!

Congratulations to IMG Member Suhas Tamvada and Dr. Saeed Moghaddam on their recent publication in the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer!  Titled “On critical heat flux and its evaporation momentum and hydrodynamic limits,” this work explains the underlying physics of critical heat flux and demonstrates that the evaporation limit is the ultimate limit of CHF. Read more about their pioneering work here: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2022.123837

Congratulations to Madison Chubb for MAE IDEA Undergraduate Research Fellowship!

Congratulations to IMG undergraduate Madison Chubb for being awarded the MAE IDEA Undergraduate Research Fellowship! This fellowship recognizes and encourages the academic achievement of students from underrepresented groups who aspire to pursue research careers. Under Dr. Hugh Fan’s mentorship, Madison Chubb will be conducting her work on engineering microfluidic devices for tumor cell isolation to study cancerous cells in the blood samples of patients. Go Gators!

Happy Holidays, Everyone!

IMG’ers concluded the semester with a festive White Elephant Gift Exchange Party! Thank you to all who attended and made it a wonderful time. Shoutout to IMG members George Adedokun for the photos, and Shaurya Dabas for the food. Wishing everyone a very joyous and safe holiday season, and a successful new year ahead! 

Ladan Jiracek Represents IMG at the Society for Neuroscience Conference!

IMG Member Ladan Jiracek recently presented at the Society for Neuroscience Conference in San Diego, California!  He presented his work, “Tissue-Engineered Electronic Nerve Interfaces (TEENI): Improved Design, Fabrication, and Packaging Using Aggressive In Vitro Reliability Testing”. Thank you for representing IMG so well!