
ASA Conference

Chris Bahr and Dr. Fei Liu recently presented their work at the 157th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America in Portland Oregon. Chris' talk was entitled Analysis of Coherent Power Techniques, and Dr. Liu's talk was Acoustic Energy Harvesting Using an Electromechanical Helmholtz Resonator.

MEMS 2009

Sheetal Shetye and Ilan Eskinazi will be presenting a poster at MEMS 2009 in Sorrento Italy entitled, "Part-to-part and part-to-substrate magnetic self-assembly of millimeter scale components with angular orientation"

Intermag 2008

Sheetal Shetye and Naigang Wang each earned oral presentations at the upcoming Intermag 2008 meeting in Madrid, Spain. Their respective papers are entitled, "Self-assembly of millimeter-scale components using integrated micromagnets" and "Electroplated Co-rich CoPt thick films and patterned arrays for magnetic MEMS".