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Filters: First Letter Of Title is M and Author is David P. Arnold [Clear All Filters]
"Morphology and magnetic properties of electroplated Co-rich Co-Zn thin films", Microsystem Technologies, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 85-91, 01/2011.
, "A Multi-Pole Magnetic Generator with Enhanced Voltage Output for Low-Frequency Vibrational Energy Harvesting", Tech. Dig. 8th Int. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2008), Sendai Japan, pp. 125-128, November, 2008.
, "Multi-watt electric power from a microfabricated permanent-magnet generator", Tech. Dig. 18th IEEE Int. Conf. MicroElectro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2005), Miami Beach, FL, pp. 287-290, January, 2005.