Title | Micromachined radial thermoelectric modules for power generation using hot gas streams |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2011 |
Authors | Boniche, I., and D. P. Arnold |
Journal | J. Microelectromechanical Systems |
Volume | 20 |
Start Page | 512 |
Date Published | 03/2011 |
Type of Article | Full Research Paper |
ISSN | 1057-7157 |
Keywords | energy harvesting, Silicon, Thermoelectric generator |
Abstract | This paper presents the design, fabrication, and characterization of silicon-micromachined thermoelectric generator (TEG) modules (13-mm diameter and 0.36 mm thick) for power generation from hot gas streams. Individual TEG modules consist of radially oriented thermoelements on a thermally insulating annular polyimide layer spanning between inner and outer silicon fin structures. Hot gas flows through a center orifice, establishing a radial thermal gradient across the thermopile, thus generating an output voltage. The concept is demonstrated using thin-film metal thermoelements, where, for a 195 ◦C gas stream, an open-circuit voltage of 80 mV is generated and 0.8 μW of power (0.02 mW/cm3 power density) is delivered to a 2-kΩ resistive load. Analytic thermal and electrical models are presented and shown to match well the experimental thermal and electrical measurements. This paper serves as a stepping stone toward the development of superior-performing TEG modules using semiconductor thermoelements. |
DOI | 10.1109/JMEMS.2011.2112336 |
Refereed Designation | Unknown |