Congratulations to Dr. Wen Sui and Prof. Philip Feng on their recent Applied Physics Letters publication!

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Congratulations to recent IMG graduate, Dr. Wen Sui, and his advisor Prof. Philip Feng, on the publication of their research article, “AlScN-on-SiC microelectromechanical Lamb wave resonators operating at high temperature up to 800°C”, in Applied Physics Letters.

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This article reports on the experimental demonstration of aluminum scandium nitride (AlScN)-on-cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC) Lamb wave resonators (LWRs) realized via microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) technology, operating at high temperature up to 800°C, while retaining robust electromechanical resonances at ~27MHz and good quality factor of Q=900 even at 800°C in moderate millitorr vacuum. This study validates the high-temperature adaptability of AlScN/3C-SiC heterostructure, its metallization and electromechanical signal transduction. It also advances knowledge and understanding for continued engineering of wide-bandgap (WBG) materials MEMS resonators toward harsh and extreme environment applications.