Please join us in welcoming Dr. David Arnold, Dr. Philip Feng, and Dr. Christophe Bobda to the UF Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) leadership!
David Arnold, Associate Chair for Faculty Affairs. Dr. Arnold will assist the chair with T&P/faculty development, space allocations, recruiting, faculty honorifics, and more.
Philip Feng, Associate Chair for Research. Dr. Feng will implement junior faculty mentoring program and establish strategic research initiatives.
Christophe Bobda, Associate Chair for Education. Dr. Bobda will oversee undergrad and grad curriculum, assess teaching load, help modernize laboratories, and improve overall student experience within the ECE department.
We are excited for the professors to bring their tremendous leadership, experience, and excellence to the ECE department. Please contact them if you need support in any of the related areas mentioned above.
Congratulations, professors!