Proposal Defense

IMG Seminar Series: Proposal Defense: John Rogers

Event date: 
Fri, 10/09/2015 - 3:45pm

John Rogers will defend his proposal entitled "A passive wireless MEMS dynamic pressure sensor with integrated temperature compensation for harsh environments" at 11:45 AM on Friday, October 9th, in Larsen 234.

Lunch will be provided for $3 to those who sign up on the IMG wiki (

Proposal Defense: Tiffany Reagan

Event date: 
Wed, 10/22/2014 - 4:00pm

Tiffany Reagan will defend her dissertation proposal entitled "A flush-mount MEMS piezoelectric microphone with through-silicon-vias for aeroacoustic flight testing applications" at 12:00 pm on Wednesday, October 22 in LAR 234. Refreshments will be provided.

Per Export Administration Regulations, which apply to the content of the proposal defense (ECCN 9E991), no persons from a sanctioned or embagoed entity is permitted to attend. This includes citizens of Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria.