Optimization of magnetic vibrational energy harvesting systems using equivalent circuit representations

TitleOptimization of magnetic vibrational energy harvesting systems using equivalent circuit representations
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsCheng, S., N. Wang, and D. P. Arnold
Conference NameTech. Dig. 7th Int. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2007)
Date PublishedNovember
Conference LocationFreiburg, Germany

This paper discusses the optimization of magnetic vibrational energy harvesting systems using enhanced lumped element modeling (LEM) methods. A nonlinear model based on the enhanced lumped element method and its representation based on PSPICE is introduced, the simulation result is compared to the actual experimental data, and the accuracy of the nonlinear model is compared to the linearized model reported in the previous paper. Optimization of both mechanical part and electrical part are discussed and verified by PSPICE simulation. The paper demonstrates the great flexibility of the enhanced lumped element methods in modeling and optimization of vibrational energy harvesting systems.