Formulation and Capture of the Second Voltage Peak Occuring From Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Using a Pulsed Resonant Converter (PRC)

TitleFormulation and Capture of the Second Voltage Peak Occuring From Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Using a Pulsed Resonant Converter (PRC)
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2009
AuthorsPhipps, A., and T. Nishida
Conference NameTech. Dig. 9th Int. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2009)
Date PublishedDecember
Conference LocationWashington, DC

This paper examines the occurrence of the second voltage peak caused by the pulsed resonant converter (PRC) and investigates the potential advantages of harvesting energy from this additional peak. Analytical expressions are derived which describe the behavior of the second peak and these results are compared to SPICE simulation in order to validate the theoretical models. It is shown that an optimal design point exists when harvesting from both peaks (wt = 1.76) which is different than the optimal point using only the standard primary peak method (wt = 1.53).