Title | Characterization of an Anechoic Wind Tunnel Facility |
Publication Type | Conference Paper |
Year of Publication | 2005 |
Authors | Mathew, J., C. Bahr, M. Sheplak, B. Carroll, and L. Cattafesta |
Conference Name | Proceedings of 2005 ASME: Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition |
Date Published | November |
Conference Location | Orlando, FL |
Other Numbers | Paper IMECE2005-81737 |
Abstract | Acoustic characterization of an anechoic wind tunnel facility at the University of Florida is presented. A previously existing and ISO 3745 validated 100 Hz anechoic chamber is upgraded to incorporate an open-jet anechoic wind tunnel facility suitable for airframe noise studies. The design and preliminary characterization results at 17 m s was initially presented in reference 1. This paper presents new acoustic characterization data with an empty test section for test section speeds up to UTS = 43 m/s. These new measurements show the overall SPL from 100 Hz |
Refereed Designation | Non-Refereed |