Power considerations for MAST platforms

TitlePower considerations for MAST platforms
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsMorgan, B. C., S. S. Bedair, J. S. Pulskamp, R. G. Polcawich, C. D. Meyer, C. M. Dougherty, L. Xue, D. P. Arnold, R. Bashirullah, R. Miller, and M. Roosz
Conference NameProc. SPIE Defense Security & Sensing Conf. (Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications II)
Date Published05/2010
Conference LocationOrlando, FL

Scalingdown autonomous robotic systems introduces numerous challenges in mechanical design,electrical/sensor subsystems, and autonomous control. One particularly daunting task isthe design of the power system, since this will ultimatelylimit all microrobot or micro-UAV's operations. Power sources like lithiumpolymer batteries possess sufficient power density for basic mobility (walking,fixed wing flight, flapping/hovering), but improved power sources are neededthat offer increased energy density in order to extend missionlifetimes - preferably pushing from minutes to multiple hours ordays. Additionally, the source power must be efficiently converted anddistributed to the various microrobot subsystems. Each system may requirea different voltage, current, and duty cycle. This paper willreview some of the power-specific challenges related to developing small,mobile autonomous systems.
