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This weekend, a large IMG contingent will set off for Hilton Head 2010, A Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop. Held every two years in Hilton Head, SC, the workshop is the premiere meeting of microsystems companies and researchers in the Americas. Professors Mark Sheplak and David Arnold are traveling to the conference, together with a number of students and post-docs. Among those presenting posters are:
Israel Boniche, Radial Thermoelectric Generator Modules for
In-line Power Generation From Hot Gas Streams -
Chris Meyer, Micromachined Thick-Film Copper Power Inductors and
Transformers for Integrated Power Converters - Jeremy Sells and Vijay Chandrasekharan, Passive Wireless Direct Shear Stress Measurement
- Matt Williams, Ben Griffin, and Jessica Meloy, An Aluminum Nitride Piezoelectric Microphone for Aeroacoustic Applications
- Yaxing Zhang, Micro-electromechanical Inductors for Power Converters
Justin Zito, Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of
Microscale Dielectric Barrier Discharge Devices
Hilton Head 2010 will also welcome a large number of IMG alumni representing companies that include Analog Devices, Inc., Avago Technologies, Hewlett Packard, Intel, Miltec Systems, S.B. Microsystems, and Siimpel Corporation. All told, at least 17 current and former IMGers will be in attendance!