Dissertation Defense

Timothy Clingenpeel's Dissertation Defense

Event date: 
Thu, 10/15/2020 - 8:00am to 10:00am

Timpthy Clingenpeel will defend his dissertation entitled "Nano-Layered Nonmagnetic/Ferromagnetic Metaconductors for Energy Efficient Radio Frequency Passives" at 8:00 am on October 15th.

Zoom info: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/3523925985

Meeting ID: 352 392 5985

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+13017158592,,3523925985# US (Germantown)

+13126266799,,3523925985# US (Chicago)

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        +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)

        +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

Dissertation Defense - Liang Zhou

Event date: 
Wed, 08/12/2020 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm

Liang Zhou will defend his dissertation entitled "Electrothermal MEMS Scanning Mirrors and Lenses with Large Range and High Robustness for Two-Photon Microscopy" at 03:00 pm on Wednesday, August 12th.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 738 029 4173
Passcode: 434254

Haocheng Zhou Dissertation Defense

Event date: 
Mon, 06/01/2020 - 10:30am to 11:30am

Haocheng Zhou will defend his dissertation titled "A MEMS-based Five-Hole Probe with Optical Pressure Transducers" on Monday, June 1st, at 10:30 AM. 

The presentation will be held online through Zoom. See below for details. 


Time: Jun 1, 2020 10:30 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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Meeting ID: 958 2412 0398

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,95824120398# US (Germantown)

+13126266799,,95824120398# US (Chicago)

Glen Walters Dissertation Defense

Event date: 
Wed, 03/18/2020 - 9:00am to 10:00am

Glen Walters will defend his Ph.D. dissertation entitled: "Scaling and Design of Thin Film Ferroelectric Hafnium Oxide for Memory and Logic Devices" on Wednesday, March 18th, at 9:00 am.

The meeting has ben changed to an online format through Zoom:

Time: Mar 18, 2020 09:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 527 022 423

One tap mobile

+16465588656,,527022423# US (New York)

+13126266799,,527022423# US (Chicago)