Christopher Cassano

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Cassano, C. L., and K. Mawatari, "Thermal lens microscopy as a detector in microdevices", ELECTROPHORESIS, vol. 35, issue 16, pp. 2279 - 2291, 08/2014.
Cassano, C.L., K. Mawatari, T. Kitamori, and Z.H. Fan, "Thermal Lens Microscopy as a Detector in Microdevices", Electrophoresis, vol. 35, no. 12, 02/2014.
Cassano, C. L., and Z.H. Fan, "Laminated paper-based analytical devices (LPAD): fabrication, characterization, and assays", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 15, issue 2, pp. 173 - 181, 8/2013.