Matias Oyarzun

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Filters: Author is Oyarzun, M
Conference Paper
Griffin, J., M. Oyarzun, L. Cattafesta, J. H. Tu, C. W. Rowley, and R. Mittal, "Control of a canonical separated flow", 43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference, San Diego, CA, 06/2013.
Conference Paper
Takahashi, H., F. Liu, M. Palavicini, M. Oyarzun, J. Griffin, L. Ukeiley, and L. Cattafesta, "Progress on Active Control of Open Cavities", 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, Orlando, FL, AIAA, 01/2011.
Oyarzun, M., and L. Cattafesta, "Design and Optimization of Piezoceramic Zero-Net Mass-Flux Actuators", 5th AIAA Flow Control Conference, Chicago, IL, AIAA, 07/2010.
Takahashi, H., F. Liu, M. Palavicini, M. Oyarzun, L. Ukeiley, and L. Cattafesta, "Experimental Study of Adaptive Control of High-Speed Flow-Induced Cavity Oscillations", Seventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, Tohoku University Global COE Program , 11/2010.
Arunajatesan, S., M. Oyarzun, M. Palavicini, and L. Cattafesta, "Modeling of Zero-Net Mass-Flux Actuators for Feedback Flow Control", 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 2009-0743, January, 2009.
Albertani, R., P. Khambatta, A. Hart, L. Ukeiley, M. Oyarzun, L. Cattafesta, and G. Abate, "Validation of a Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamic Characterization Facility", 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 2009-0880, January, 2009.