David Arnold

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Arnold, D. P., "Review of microscale magnetic power generation", IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 43, no. 11, pp. 3940-3951, NOV, 2007.
Boniche, I., C. D. Meyer, P. Taylor, N. Dhar, and D. P. Arnold, "Progress towards a micromachined thermoelectric generator using PbTe and PbSnSeTe thin films", Tech. Dig. 6th Int. Workshop Micro Nanotechnology For Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2006), Berkeley, CA, pp. 195-198, November, 2006.
Arnold, D. P., I. Zana, J. Park, S. Das, Y. Joung, D. Veazie, J. H. Lang, and M. G. Allen, "High-speed characterization and mechanical modeling of microscale, axial-flux, permanent-magnet generators", 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems (Transducers 05), vol. 1, Seoul, Korea, pp. 701-704, June, 2005.
Zana, I., F. Herrault, D. P. Arnold, and M. G. Allen, "Magnetic patterning of permanent-magnet rotors for microscale motor/generators", Tech. Dig. 5th Int. Workshop Micro Nanotechnology For Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2005), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 116-119, November, 2005.
Das, S., D. P. Arnold, I. Zana, J. Park, J. H. Lang, and M. G. Allen, "Multi-watt electric power from a microfabricated permanent-magnet generator", Tech. Dig. 18th IEEE Int. Conf. MicroElectro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2005), Miami Beach, FL, pp. 287-290, January, 2005.
Arnold, D. P., I. Zana, F. Herrault, P. Galle, J. Park, S. Das, J. H. Lang, and M. G. Allen, "Optimization of a microscale, axial-flux, permanent-magnet generator", Tech. Dig. 5th Int. Workshop Micro Nanotechnology For Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2005), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 165-168, November, 2005.
Arnold, D. P., P. Galle, F. Herrault, S. Das, J. H. Lang, and M. G. Allen, "A self-contained, flow-powered microgenerator system", Tech. Dig. 5th Int. Workshop Micro Nanotechnology For Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2005), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 113-115, November, 2005.
Zana, I., D. P. Arnold, and M. G. Allen, "Large volume, high performance electroplated Co-Pt micromagnets for MEMS applications", Electrochemical Processing in ULSI and MEMS (Electrochem. Soc. Proc. Vol. 2004-17), pp. 404-411, May, 2004.
Arnold, D. P., S. Das, F. Cros, I. Zana, J. H. Lang, and M. G. Allen, "Magnetic induction machines embedded in fusion-bonded silicon", Tech. Dig. Solid-State Sensor, Actuator, and MicrosystemsWorkshop (Hilton Head 2004), pp. 129-132, June, 2004.
Arnold, D. P., F. Cros, I. Zana, M. G. Allen, S. Das, and J. H. Lang, "Second-generation, silicon-based magnetic induction machines for microengine power generation", Army Research Lab Collaborative Technology Alliances Conf., Power and Energy, Washington, DC, May, 2004.
Arnold, D. P., F. Cros, T. Glover, M. G. Allen, K. Hillman, and D. Veazie, "Materials and fabrication methods for high-temperature micro-magnetic machines for micro-turbine power generation", Proc. Army Research Lab Collaborative Technology Alliances Conf., Power and Energy, College Park, MD, pp. 77-81, April, 2003.
Cros, F., D. P. Arnold, M. G. Allen, S. Das, H. Koser, and J. H. Lang, "Micro-magnetic induction machines for portable power applications", Proc. Army Research Lab Collaborative Technology Alliances Conf., Power and Energy, College Park, MD, pp. 17-21, April, 2003.
Arnold, D. P., T. Nishida, L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "MEMS-Based Acoustic Array Technology", 40th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA Paper 2002-0253, Reno, NV, January, 2002.
Arnold, D. P., S. Bhardwaj, S. Gururaj, T. Nishida, and M. Sheplak, "A Piezoresistive Microphone for Aeroacoustic Measurements", Proc. of ASME IMECE 2001, International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper MEMS-23841, vol. 2, New York, NY, November, 2001.