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"Technology and Signal Processing for Brain-Machine Interfaces", IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 25, pp. 29-40, SEP, 2008.
, "Towards miniature step-up power converters for mobile microsystems", Applied Power Electronics Conf. & Exposition (APEC 2011), Fort Worth, TX, pp. 1451-1455, 03/2011.
, "Power management for small scale systems", Proc. SPIE Defense Security & Sensing Conf. (Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications VI), vol. 9083, Baltimore, MD, pp. 90831U, 05/2014.
, "Power for autonomous microsystems", 27th Army Science Conf., Orlando, FL, 11/2010.
, "Power considerations for MAST platforms", Proc. SPIE Defense Security & Sensing Conf. (Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications II), vol. 7679, no. 76790V, 12 pages, Orlando, FL, 05/2010.
, "Micro-power requirements & conversion for autonomous microsystems", NATO SET-150 Specialist Meeting on Energy Technologies & Management for Portable Power for Military Applications, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, 05/2009.
, "Integrated Power Inductors and Capacitors Enabled by a Multilevel Molding Process", 220th ECS Meeting, Boston, MA, ECS, pp. 331 - 340, 2011.
, "Florida Wireless Implantable Recording Electrodes (FWIRE) for Brain Machine Interfaces", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2007), 2084 , June, 2007.