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Ghatge, M., P. Karri, and R. Tabrizian, "Power-Insensitive Silicon Crystal-Cut for Amplitude-Stable Frequency Synthesis", IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2017), 2017.
Ghatge, M., G. Walters, T. Nishida, and R. Tabrizian, "Phononic detection of morphological phase transition in atomic-layered Hafnium-Zirconium-Oxide", 2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, IEEE, 2017.
Ghatge, M., and R. Tabrizian, "Exploiting elastic anharmonicity in aluminum nitride matrix for phase-synchronous frequency reference generation", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 112, issue 12, March, 2018.
Ghatge, M., and R. Tabrizian, "The effect of elastic anharmonicity on the nonlinear behavior of waveguide-based AlN resonator", 2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium ((EFTF/IFC), BESANÇON, France, IEEE, 2017.
Jo, B., M. Ghatge, and R. Tabrizian, "d15-Enhanced shear-extensional aluminum nitride resonators with k 2 t> 4.4% for wide-band filters", 2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, IEEE, 2017.
Ghatge, M., and R. Tabrizian, "Bilayer nano-waveguide resonators for sensing applications", 2016 IEEE SENSORS, Orlando, FL, USA, IEEE, 2016.
Jo, B., M. Ghatge, and R. Tabrizian, "Anti-symmetric shear-extensional AlN lamb-wave resonators with kt 2 > 4%", 2017 Joint Conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum and IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium ((EFTF/IFC), BESANÇON, France, IEEE, 2017.