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Thompson, S., G-Y. Sun, Y. Choi, and T. Nishida, "Uniaxial Process Induced Strained Si: Extending the CMOS Roadmap", IEEE Trans. Electron Dev., vol. 53, pp. 1010-1020, MAY, 2006.
Park, H. W., S. K. Dixit, Y. Choi, R. D. Schrimpf, E. Filangeri, T. Nishida, and S. Thompson, "Total Ionizing Dose Effects on Strained HfO2-based nMOSFETs", IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 55, pp. 2981-2985, DEC, 2008.
Yang, X., Y. Choi, T. Nishida, and S. Thompson, "Gate direct tunneling currents in uniaxial stressed MOSFETs", Proc. 2007 Intl. Workshop on Electron Dev and Semiconductor Technology, pp. 149-152, June, 2007.