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Morrish, D., L. Wu, H. Xie, A. Boussioutas, and M. Gu, "Nonlinear imaging of tissue by an endoscope probe incorporating a 3D scanning MEMS mirror", Australian Institute of Physics 18th Annual Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 2008.
Morrish, D., L. Wu, H. Xie, J. Reynolds, A. Boussioutas, and M. Gu, "Nonlinear Imaging by an Endoscope Probe Incorporating a Tip-Tilt-Piston Microelectromechanical System Mirror", Novel Techniques in Microscopy: Optical Society of America, pp. NWD1, 2009.
Morrish, D., L. Wu, H. Xie, J. Reynolds, A. Boussioutas, and M. Gu, "Nonlinear Imaging by an Endoscope Probe Incorporating a Tip-Tilt-Piston Microelectromechanical System Mirror", OSA Spring Optics & Photonics Congress,, Vancouver, Canada, April, 2009.
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Nishida, T., R. Dieme, M. Sheplak, and G. Bosman, "Noise Modeling and Characterization of Piezoresistive Transducers", Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper IMECE2006-15392, November, 2006.
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Nishida, T., J. Lin, K. Ngo, F. Ren, D. Norton, S. J. Pearton, L. Cattafesta, M. Sheplak, J. Jun, A. Kasyap V.S., et al., "Wireless Hydrogen Sensor Self-powered Using Ambient Vibration and Light", Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper IMECE2006-14644, November, 2006.
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Nishida, T., "Wireless Implantable Recording Electrodes (FWIRE) for Brain Machine Interfaces", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2007 (ISCAS 2007), pp. 2084 , May, 2007.
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