"Modeling of Membrane-based Absorption Process in a New Generation LiBr-Water Absorption Refrigeration System", ASME 3rd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, Atlanta, GA, 03/2012.
, "Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Phases Interactions in Membrane-based Absorption and Desorption Processes", ASME 3rd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, Atlanta, GA, 03/2012.
, "Novel mechanisms for millimeter range piston actuation of vertical micromirrors and microlenses", International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2012.
, "Parametric study of water vapor absorption into a constrained thin film of lithium bromide solution", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 55, issue 21-22, pp. 5687 - 5695, Jan-10-2012.
, "Piezoelectrodynamic gyrator: analysis, experiments, and applications to wireless power transfer", Tech. Dig. 12th Int. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2012), Atlanta, GA, IEEE, 12/2012.
, "Predicting Microelectrode Array Functionality Using Biotic and Abiotic Metrics in Vivo", 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, Aug 28-Sep 1, 2012.
, "Process Dependence of 1/f Noise and Defects in Ion Implanted p-Type Piezoresistors", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 112, 2012.
, "System Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters", IEEE Trans. Power Electronics, vol. 27, issue 2, 2012.
, "Thermoelastically Actuated Acoustic Proximity Sensor with Integrated Through-Silicon Vias", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 21, no. 2, 04/2012.
, "Three-dimensional confocal scanning microscope using an MEMS mirror for lateral scan and an MEMS lens scanner for depth scan", Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN), 2012 International Conference on, pp. 158-159, Aug, 2012.
, "Tissue, Electrical, and Material Responses in Electrode Failure", IEEE Pulse, vol. 3, issue 1, pp. 30 - 33, 01/2012.
, "Transfer Matrix Modeling of Synthetic Jet Actuators", Fluid Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, 07/2012.
, "Transfer Matrix Modeling of Synthetic Jet Actuators", Fluid Science and Technology, vol. 8, no. 2, 07/2012.
, "Ultra-miniaturized power converter modules using micromachined copper scaffolds", Hilton Head 2012, Hilton Head Island, SC, 06/2012.
, "Using the mass ratio to induce band gaps in a 1D array of nonlinearly coupled oscillators", Proc. ASME 2012 Int. Design Engineering Tech. Conf. & Computers and Information in Eng. Conf. (IDETC/CIE 2012), Chicago, IL, ASME, 08/2012.
, "Wafer-level fabrication of high-power-density MEMS passives based on silicon molding technique", Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS), 2012 7th International Conference on, pp. 1-5, March, 2012.
, "Wafer-level fabrication of high-power-density MEMS passives based on silicon molding technique", Integrated Power Electronics Systems (CIPS), 2012 7th International Conference on, pp. 1-5, March, 2012.
, "Wireless power transmission to an electromechanical receiver using low-frequency magnetic fields", Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 21, issue 11, pp. 115017, 11/2012.
, "3-D Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy Based on a Full-MEMS Scanning System", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 25, issue 15, pp. 1478 - 1480, 08/2013.
, "Absorption characteristics of lithium bromide (LiBr) solution constrained by superhydrophobic nanofibrous structures", International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 63, pp. 82 - 90, Jan-08-2013.
, "Absorption Characteristics of Thin Lithium Bromide (LiBr) Solution Film Constrained by a Porous Hydrophobic Membrane", ASME 2013 11th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, Sapporo, Japan, 06/2013.
, "An ac/dc voltage doubler with configurable power supply schemes for vibrational energy harvesting", Proc. 28th Applied Power Electronics Conf. & Exposition (APEC 2013), Long Beach, CA, IEEE, 03/2013.
, "Batch patterning of sub-millimeter features in hard magnetic films using pulsed magnetic fields and soft magnetizing heads", IEEE Trans. on Magn., vol. 49, no. 7, 07/2013.
, "Catalytic Activity of Pt/Ru Formed by Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)", 13th International Conference on Atomic Layer Deposition, San Diego, CA, 2013.
, "Chemical Sensors and Microfluidics", Journal of Biosensors & Bioelectronics, vol. 04, issue 01, 2013.