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Meyer, C. D., S. S. Bedair, B. C. Morgan, and D. P. Arnold, "Ultra-miniaturized power converter modules using micromachined copper scaffolds", Hilton Head 2012, Hilton Head Island, SC, 06/2012.
Meyer, C. D., S. S. Bedair, B. C. Morgan, and D. P. Arnold, "Influence of Layer Thickness on the Performance of Stacked Thick-Film Copper Air-Core Power Inductors", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 48, issue 11, pp. 4436 - 4439, 11/2012.
Meyer, C. D., S. S. Bedair, B. C. Morgan, and D. P. Arnold, "Micromachined thick-film copper power inductors and transformers for integrated power converters", Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2010), Hilton Head, SC, pp. 455-458, 06/2010.
Meyer, C. D., S. S. Bedair, B. C. Morgan, X. Lin, R. Bashirullah, D. P. Arnold, I. M. Kierzewski, and N. Lazarus, "Power management for small scale systems", Proc. SPIE Defense Security & Sensing Conf. (Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications VI), vol. 9083, Baltimore, MD, pp. 90831U, 05/2014.
Meyer, C. D., S. S. Bedair, L. Xue, C. M. Dougherty, R. Bashirullah, D. P. Arnold, and B. C. Morgan, "Integrated Power Inductors and Capacitors Enabled by a Multilevel Molding Process", 220th ECS Meeting, Boston, MA, ECS, pp. 331 - 340, 2011.
Meyer, C. D., S. S. Bedair, B. C. Morgan, and D. P. Arnold, "High-Inductance-Density, Air-Core, Power Inductors, and Transformers Designed for Operation at 100–500 MHz", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 46, issue 6, pp. 2236 - 2239, 06/2010.
Mills, S. C., C. S. Smith, S. Pranesh Amirisetti, D. P. Arnold, J. S. Andrew, and N. Ferson, "Method for the fabrication of thick multilayered nickel/iron oxide nanoparticle magnetic nanocomposites", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 542, pp. 168578, Jan-01-2022.
Mills, D. A., W. C. Patterson, B. Freidkes, C. Keane, and M. Sheplak, "Characterization of a Fully-Differential, Dual-Axis, Capacitive Wall Shear Stress Sensor System for Low-Speed Wind Tunnels", AIAA Aviation 2019 ForumAIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, Dallas, TexasReston, Virginia, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019.
Mills, D. A., W. C. Patterson, C. Keane, and M. Sheplak, "Characterization of a Fully-Differential Capacitive Wall Shear Stress Sensor for Low-Speed Wind Tunnels", 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, FloridaReston, Virginia, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2018.
Mills, D. A., C. Barnard, and M. Sheplak, "Characterization of a Hydraulically Smooth Wall Shear Stress Sensor for Low-Speed Wind Tunnel Applications", 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, TexasReston, Virginia, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2017.
Mills, S. C., N. E. Starr, N. J. Bohannon, and J. S. Andrew, "Chelating Agent Functionalized Substrates for the Formation of Thick Films via Electrophoretic Deposition", Frontiers in Chemistry, vol. 9, May-06-2022, 2021.
Mills, S. C., C. S. Smith, D. P. Arnold, and J. S. Andrew, "Electrophoretic deposition of iron oxide nanoparticles to achieve thick nickel/iron oxide magnetic nanocomposite films", AIP Advances, vol. 10, issue 1, pp. 015308, Jan-01-2020.
Min, M., W. LEE, T. Burks, J. Jordan, A. Schumann, J. Schueller, and H. Xie, "Design of a hyperspectral nitrogen sensing system for orange leaves", Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, vol. 63, issue 2, pp. 215 - 226, 10/2008.
Mittal, R., R. B. Kotapati, and L. Cattafesta, "Numerical Study of Resonant Interactions and Flow Control in a Canonical Seperated Flow", AIAA 43rd Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA Paper 2005-1261, Reno, NV, December, 2005.
Mo, D., S. Rassay, and R. Tabrizian, "Intrinsically Switchable Ferroelectric Scandium Aluminum Nitride Bulk Acoustic Wave Resonators", 2021 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers)2021 21st International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers), Orlando, FL, USA, IEEE, 2021.
Mo, D., S. Dabas, S. Rassay, and R. Tabrizian, "Complementary-Switchable Dual-Mode SHF Scandium Aluminum Nitride BAW Resonator", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, pp. 1 - 8, Jan-01-2022.
Mo, D., S. Rassay, C. Li, and R. Tabrizian, "Intrinsically switchable dual‐band scandium‐aluminum nitride Lamb‐wave filter", physica status solidi (RRL) – Rapid Research Letters, Oct-08-2022.
Moghaddam, S., E. Pengwang, Y-B. Jiang, A. R. Garcia, D. J. Burnett, J. C. Brinker, R. I. Masel, and M. A. Shannon, "An inorganic–organic proton exchange membrane for fuel cells with a controlled nanoscale pore structure", Nature Nanotechnology, vol. 5, issue 3, pp. 230 - 236, Jan-03-2010.
Moghaddam, S., "Micro/Nanoengineering the Next Generation Thermal-Fluid and Energy Conversion Systems", ASME Heat Transfer, Fluid Engineering, and Nanochannels and Microchannels Conference, Puerto Rico, USA, 07/2012.
Moghaddam, S., D. Chugh, K. R. Gluesenkamp, and O. Abdelaziz, "Hybrid Membrane-based Ionic Liquid Absorption Cycle for Water Heating, Dehumidification, and Cooling", American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) Winter Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 2017.
Moghaddam, S., "Physics of Heat Transfer Mechanisms in Microchannel Flow Boiling Process and Role of Surface Micro- and Nanostructures on Enhancement", International Workshop on New Understanding in Nanoscale/Microscale Phase Change Phenomena, 2016.
Moghaddam, S., "New Generation Membrane-Based Absorption Refrigeration System (ARS)", ASHRAE 2013 Winter Conference, Dallas, TX, 01/2013.
Morgan, B. C., S. S. Bedair, J. S. Pulskamp, R. G. Polcawich, C. D. Meyer, C. M. Dougherty, L. Xue, D. P. Arnold, R. Bashirullah, R. Miller, et al., "Power considerations for MAST platforms", Proc. SPIE Defense Security & Sensing Conf. (Micro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications II), vol. 7679, no. 76790V, 12 pages, Orlando, FL, 05/2010.
Morgan, B. C., S. S. Bedair, C. D. Meyer, L. Xue, C. M. Dougherty, R. Bashirullah, and D. P. Arnold, "Power for autonomous microsystems", 27th Army Science Conf., Orlando, FL, 11/2010.
Morgan, B. C., S. S. Bedair, W. Nothwang, D. P. Arnold, C. D. Meyer, B. Bowers, A. Sopeju, C. M. Dougherty, L. Xue, and R. Bashirullah, "Micro-power requirements & conversion for autonomous microsystems", NATO SET-150 Specialist Meeting on Energy Technologies & Management for Portable Power for Military Applications, Brdo pri Kranju, Slovenia, 05/2009.