
Found 1228 results
Author Title Type [ Year(Asc)]
R Isfahani, N., and S. Moghaddam, "Experimental Study of Water Vapor Absorption into Lithium Bromide (LiBr) Solution Constrained by Superhydrophobic Porous Membranes", ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
Wetzel, D., J. Griffin, and L. Cattafesta, "Experiments on an elliptic circulation control aerofoil", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 730, pp. 99 - 144, 9/2013.
Zito, J., D. P. Arnold, R. Durscher, and S. Roy, "Exploration of ceramic dielectrics for microscale dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators", 44th AIAA Plasmadynamics and Lasers Conf., pp. 23, 06/2013.
Yang, H., L. Xi, S. Samuelson, H. Xie, L. Yang, and H. Jiang, "Handheld miniature probe integrating diffuse optical tomography with photoacoustic imaging through a MEMS scanning mirror", Biomedical Optics Express, vol. 4, issue 3, pp. 427, 2013.
Garraud, N., J. Fridmann, B. P. Gila, and D. P. Arnold, "High-throughput focused-ion-beam lithography using doubly charged ions", Workshop on Enabling Nanofabrication for Rapid Innovation, Napa, CA, pp. 22-23, 08/2013.
Mur-Miranda, J. Oscar, S. Cheng, and D. P. Arnold, "Improving the efficiency of electrodynamic wireless power transmission", 7th European Conf. Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP 2013), Gothenburg, Sweden, EurAAP, 04/2013.
Tu, J. H., J. Griffin, A. Hart, C. W. Rowley, L. Cattafesta, and L. Ukeiley, "Integration of non-time-resolved PIV and time-resolved velocity point sensors for dynamic estimation of velocity fields", Experiments in Fluids, vol. 54, issue 2, 2/2013.
Cassano, C. L., and Z.H. Fan, "Laminated paper-based analytical devices (LPAD): fabrication, characterization, and assays", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 15, issue 2, pp. 173 - 181, 8/2013.
Liu, W., C. L. Cassano, X. Xu, and Z.H. Fan, "Laminated Paper-Based Analytical Devices (LPAD) with Origami-Enabled Chemiluminescence Immunoassay for Cotinine Detection in Mouse Serum", Analytical Chemistry, vol. 85, issue 21, pp. 10270 - 10276, 11/2013.
Pal, S., S.R. Samuelson, X. Zhang, and H. Xie, "Large in-plane displacement microactuators based on electro-thermal bimorphs with folded multiple segments", Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS EUROSENSORS XXVII), 2013 Transducers Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on, pp. 1587-1590, June, 2013.
Sun, H., G. Fu, and H. Xie, "A MEMS accelerometer-based real-time motion-sensing module for urological diagnosis and treatment", Journal of Medical Engineering & Technology, vol. 37, issue 2, pp. 127 - 134, 02/2013.
Paneri, A., and S. Moghaddam, "Methanol and Proton Transport Characteristics of Graphene Oxide Proton Exchange Membrane", ASME 2013 Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 07/2013.
Cheng, S., and D. P. Arnold, "Microfabricated electrodynamic transformers for electromechanical power conversion", J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 10, 11/2013.
Fazeli, A., and S. Moghaddam, "Microscale Phase Separation through Nanoporous Membranes", ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
Xi, L., C. Duan, H. Xie, and H. Jiang, "Miniature probe combining optical-resolution photoacoustic microscopy and optical coherence tomography for in vivomicrocirculation study", Applied Optics, vol. 52, issue 9, pp. 1928, 2013.
Sheng, W., T. Chen, W. Tan, and H. Fan, "Multivalent DNA Nanospheres for Enhanced Capture of Cancer Cells in Microfluidic Devices", ACS Nano, vol. 7, issue 8, pp. 7067 - 7076, 08/2013.
Isfahani, R. Nasr, K. Sampath, and S. Moghaddam, "Nanofibrous membrane-based absorption refrigeration system", International Journal of Refrigeration, vol. 36, issue 8, pp. 2297 - 2307, Jan-12-2013.
Moghaddam, S., "New Generation Membrane-Based Absorption Refrigeration System (ARS)", ASHRAE 2013 Winter Conference, Dallas, TX, 01/2013.
Yu, D., and S. Moghaddam, "A Numerical Scheme for Single Bubble Growth Simulation", ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 07/2013.
Ravi, S., D. Horner, and S. Moghaddam, "Parametric Study of The Transport Properties of Wicking Micro-Pillar Arrays", ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
Oniku, O. D., B. Bowers, S. B. Shetye, N. Wang, and D. P. Arnold, "Permanent magnet microstructures using dry-pressed magnetic powders", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 23, issue 7, pp. 075027, 07/2013.
R Isfahani, N., and S. Moghaddam, "Physics of Membrane-based Desorption Process from LiBr Solution Flow in Microchannels", ASME 2013 Summer Heat Transfer Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
Liao, W., W. Liu, J.E. Rogers, F. Usmani, Y. Tang, B. Wang, H. Jiang, and H. Xie, "Piezeoelectric micromachined ultrasound tranducer array for photoacoustic imaging", Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS EUROSENSORS XXVII), 2013 Transducers Eurosensors XXVII: The 17th International Conference on, pp. 1831-1834, June, 2013.
Georgieva, A. T., V. Pappu, V. Krishna, P. G. Georgiev, I. Ghiviriga, P. Indeglia, X. Xu, Z.H. Fan, B. Koopman, P. M. Pardalos, et al., "Polyhydroxy fullerenes", Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 15, issue 7, 7/2013.
Duan, C., J. Sun, S. Samuelson, and H. Xie, "Probe alignment and design issues of microelectromechanical system based optical coherence tomography endoscopic imaging", Applied Optics, vol. 52, issue 26, pp. 6589, 2013.