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Zhang, J., and H. Z. Fan, "Aptamer-enabled tumor cell isolation", Circulating Tumor Cells: Isolation and Analysis : Wiley, 2016.
Zhang, J., W. Sheng, and H. Z. Fan, "An ensemble of aptamers and antibodies for multivalent capture of cancer cells", Chemical Communications, vol. 50, issue 51, pp. 6722, 2014.
Varillas, J. I., K. Chen, J. Zhang, T. J. George, and H. Z. Fan, "A Novel Microfluidic Device for Isolation of Circulating Tumor Cells from Pancreatic Cancer Blood Samples", Circulating Tumor Cells - Methods and Protocols, New York, NY, Springer New York, pp. 33 - 53, 2017.
Zhang, J., and H. Z. Fan, "A universal tumor cell isolation method enabled by fibrin-coated microchannels", The Analyst, vol. 141, issue 2, pp. 563 - 566, 2016.