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"Validation of a Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamic Characterization Facility", 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 2009-0880, January, 2009.
, "Vertically-laminated magnetic cores by electroplating Ni-Fe into micromachined Si", IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 3060-3062, JUL, 2004.
, "A Voltage-Multiplying Self-Powered AC/DC Converter with 0.35 V Minimum Input Voltage for Energy Harvesting Applications", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 26, no. 9, pp. 2542-2549, 09/2011.
, "A Voltage-Multiplying Self-Powered AC/DC Converter with 0.35 V Minimum Input Voltage for Energy Harvesting Applications", Applied Power Electronics Conf. & Exposition (APEC 2011), Fort Worth, TX, pp. 1311-1318, 03/2011.
, "A Wafer-Bonded, Floating Element Shear-Stress Sensor", Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 13-18, June, 2004.
, "A Wafer-Bonded, Floating Element Shear-Stress Sensor", Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 13-18, June, 2004.
, "A Wafer-Bonded, Floating Element Shear-Stress Sensor", Solid State Sensor, Actuator and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 13-18, June, 2004.
, "Wireless Hydrogen Sensor Self-powered Using Ambient Vibration and Light", Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Paper IMECE2006-14644, November, 2006.
, "Wireless passive sensing application using a cavity loaded evanescent wave half mode substrate integrated waveguide resonator", The 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems (Transducers’11), Beijing, China, June 2011.
, "Wireless power transmission to an electrodynamic energy harvester using low-frequency magnetic fields", Tech. Dig. 11th Int. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2011), Seoul, Korea, pp. pp. 335-338, 11/2011.
, "Wireless power transmission to an electromechanical receiver using low-frequency magnetic fields", Smart Materials and Structures, vol. 21, issue 11, pp. 115017, 11/2012.
, "Wireless power transmission via magnetic coupling to an electrodynamic receiver", 10th Int. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2010), Leuven, Belgium, pp. 61-64, 12/2010.
, "A Wirelessly Rechargeable AA Battery Using Electrodynamic Wireless Power Transmission", Energies, vol. 14, issue 9, pp. 2368, Jan-05-2021.