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Journal Article
Sheplak, M., "MEMS-Based acoustic sensors for fluid mechanics and aeroacoustics", The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 141, issue 5, pp. 3721 - 3721, Jan-05-2017.
Horowitz, S., M. Sheplak, L. Cattafesta, and T. Nishida, "A MEMS Acoustic Energy Harvester", J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 16, pp. S174-S181, SEP, 2006.
Gallas, Q., R. Holman, T. Nishida, B. Carroll, M. Sheplak, and L. Cattafesta, "Lumped Element Modeling of Piezoelectric-Driven Synthetic Jet Actuators", AIAA Journal, vol. 41, issue 2, no. 2, pp. 240-247, MAR, 2003.
Sheplak, M., and J. Dugundji, "Large Deflections of Clamped Circular Plates Under Tension and Transitions to Membrane Behavior", J. Appl. Mech., vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 107-115, JUN, 1998.
Liu, J., D. Martin, T. Nishida, L. Cattafesta, M. Sheplak, and B. Mann, "Harmonic Balance Nonlinear Identification of a capacitive dual-backplate MEMS microphone", J. Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 698-708, JUN, 2008.
Freidkes, B., D. A. Mills, W. C. Patterson, P. M. Fournier, and M. Sheplak, "A Flush-Mounted Dual-Axis Wall Shear Stress Sensor", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, pp. 1 - 7, Jan-01-2020.
Xia, Z., R. Mei, M. Sheplak, and H. Z. Fan, "Electroosmotically-Driven Creeping Flows in a Wavy Microchannel", Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 37-52, JAN, 2009.
Griffin, B. A., M. D. Williams, G. Wang, B. V. Sankar, L. N. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "The electromechanical behavior of piezoelectric thin film composite diaphragms possessing in-plane stresses", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 27, issue 4, pp. 045017, Jan-04-2017.
Kang, B., S. Kim, J. Kim, F. Ren, K. Baik, S. J. Pearton, B. P. Gila, C. Abernathy, C. Pan, G. Chen, et al., "Effect of External Strain on the Conductivity of AlGaN/GaN High-Electron-Mobility Transistors", Applied Physics Letters, vol. 83, no. 23, pp. 4845-4847, DEC, 2003.
Chao, J., W. Shyy, S. Thakur, M. Sheplak, and R. Mei, "Effect of Conjugate Heat Transfer on MEMS-Based Thermal Shear Stress Sensor", Numerical Heat Transfer-A, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 197-217, AUG, 2005.
Chandrasekaran, V., A. Cain, T. Nishida, L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "Dynamic calibration technique for thermal shear-stress sensors", Experiments in Fluids, vol. 38, pp. 56-65, JUL, 2005.
Sheplak, M., A. Padmanabhan, M. Schmidt, and K. Breuer, "Dynamic Calibration of a Shear Stress Sensor using Stokes Layer Excitation", AIAA Journal, vol. 39, issue 5, no. 5, pp. 819-823, JUN, 2001.
Arnold, D. P., T. Nishida, L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "A directional acoustic array using silicon micromachined piezoresistive microphones", J. Acous. Soc. Amer., vol. 113, no. 1, pp. 289-298, JAN, 2003.
Horowitz, S., T. Nishida, L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "Development of a micromachined piezoelectric microphone for aeroacoustics applications", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 122, no. 6, pp. 3428-3436, DEC, 2007.
Phipps, A., F. Liu, L. Cattafesta, M. Sheplak, and T. Nishida, "Demonstration of a wireless, self-powered electroacoustic liner system", J. Acoust. Soc. Am, vol. 125, no. 2, pp. 873-881, FEB, 2009.
Sheplak, M., and E. Spina, "Control of High-Speed Impinging Jet Resonance", AIAA Journal, vol. 32, no. 8, pp. 1583-1588, JUL, 1994.
Wang, Z., J. Li, P. Stoica, M. Sheplak, and T. Nishida, "Constant-Beamwidth and Constant-Powerwidth Wideband Robust Capon Beamformers for Acoustic Imaging", J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 116, no. 3, pp. 1621-1631, SEP, 2004.
Homeijer, B., B. A. Griffin, M. D. Williams, B. V. Sankar, and M. Sheplak, "Composite Circular Plates with Residual Tensile Stress Undergoing Large Deflections", Journal of Applied Mechanics, vol. 79, no. 2: ASME, 03/2012.
Sawant, S. G., I. Eskinazi, M. Sheplak, L. Cattafesta, and D. P. Arnold, "Comparative Study of Two Methods for Driving Electrodynamic Zero-Net Mass-Flux Actuators", AIAA Journal, vol. 51, issue 9, pp. 2286 - 2290, 09/2013.
Horowitz, S., T. Nishida, L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "Characterization of Compliant-Backplate Helmholtz Resonators for an Electromechanical Acoustic Liner", International Journal of Aeroacoustics, vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 183-205, APR, 2002.
Williams, M. D., B. A. Griffin, T. N. Reagan, J. R. Underbrink, and M. Sheplak, "Characterization of Aeroacoustic MEMS Microphones for Aircraft Fuselage Arrays", AIAA Journal, vol. 50, pp. 2744-2752, 12/2012.
Sheplak, M., A. Cain, T. Nishida, and L. Cattafesta, "Characterization of a Micromachined Thermal Shear Stress Sensor", AIAA Journal, vol. 40, no. 6, pp. 1099-1104, APR, 2002.
Pabon, R. J., L. Ukeiley, M. Sheplak, and C. Barnard Keane, "Characteristics of turbulent boundary layer large scale motions using direct fluctuating wall shear stress measurements", Physical Review Fluids, vol. 3, issue 11, Jan-11-2018.
Schultz, T., M. Sheplak, and L. Cattafesta, "Application of multivariate uncertainty analysis to frequency response function estimates", J. Sound Vib., vol. 305, no. 1-2, pp. 116-133, AUG, 2007.
Prasad, S., Q. Gallas, S. Horowitz, B. Homeijer, B. V. Sankar, L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "An Analytical Electroacoustic Model of a Piezoelectric Composite Circular Plate", AIAA Journal, vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 2311-2318, OCT, 2006.