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Das, S., D. P. Arnold, I. Zana, J. Park, M. G. Allen, and J. H. Lang, "Microfabricated high-speed axial-flux multiwatt permanent-magnet generators - Part I: modeling", J. Microelectromech. Syst., vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 1330-1350, OCT, 2006.
Wang, Y., B. Y. Jimenez, C. S. Smith, A. A. Rendon-Hernandez, J. Samman, and D. P. Arnold, "Microfabricated Electro-Permanent Magnets Using AlNiCo and CoPt", IEEE Magnetics Letters, vol. 12, pp. 1 - 5, Jan-01-2021.
Garraud, N., D. Alabi, J.D. Varela, D. P. Arnold, and A. Garraud, "Microfabricated electrodynamic wireless power receiver for bio-implants and wearables", 2018 Digital Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop, Hilton Head, South Carolina, USASan Diego, Transducer Research Foundation, 2018.
Cheng, S., and D. P. Arnold, "Microfabricated electrodynamic transformers for electromechanical power conversion", J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 23, no. 11, pp. 10, 11/2013.
Sawant, S. G., B. George, L. S. Ukeiley, and D. P. Arnold, "Microfabricated Electrodynamic Synthetic Jet Actuators", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 27, issue 1, pp. 95 - 105, Nov-17-2017, 2018.
Divakar, V., Y. Zhang, J. Zito, E. A. Salley, and D. P. Arnold, "Microelectromechanical inductors with high inductance density via mechanical energy storage", J. Micromech. Microeng., vol. 22, no. 9, pp. 11, 08/2012.
Divakar, V., Y. Zhang, J. Zito, E. A. Salley, and D. P. Arnold, "Microelectromechanical inductor with high inductance density via mechanical energy storage", Tech. Dig. 11th Int. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2011), Seoul, Korea, pp. pp. 181-184, 11/2011.
Bowers, B., J. Agashe, and D. P. Arnold, "A method to form bonded micromagnets embedded in silicon", Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems (Transducers 07), vol. 2, pp. 1581-1584, June, 2007.
Mills, S. C., C. S. Smith, S. Pranesh Amirisetti, D. P. Arnold, J. S. Andrew, and N. Ferson, "Method for the fabrication of thick multilayered nickel/iron oxide nanoparticle magnetic nanocomposites", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 542, pp. 168578, Jan-01-2022.
Chandrasekharan, V., J. Sells, J. Meloy, D. P. Arnold, and M. Sheplak, "A Metal-On-Silicon Differential Capacitive Shear Stress Sensor", Tech. Dig. 15th Int. Conf. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems (Transducers 2009), Denver, CO, June, 2009.
Agashe, J., M. Sheplak, D. P. Arnold, and L. Cattafesta, "MEMS-based actuators for flow-control applications", IUTAM Symposium on Flow Control and MEMS: Springer, pp. 25-32, 09/2006.
Arnold, D. P., T. Nishida, L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "MEMS-Based Acoustic Array Technology", 40th Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA Paper 2002-0253, Reno, NV, January, 2002.
Challa, V. R., and D. P. Arnold, "MEMS electrodynamic vibrational energy harvesters using multi-pole magnetic architectures", Tech. Dig. 12th Int. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2012), Atlanta, GA, IEEE, 12/2012.
Chandrasekharan, V., J. Sells, J. Meloy, D. P. Arnold, and M. Sheplak, "A MEMS Direct Skin Friction Sensor", Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion, FCAAP Annual Symposium and Exhibition, 08/2010.
Zito, J., R. Durscher, J. Soni, S. Roy, and D. P. Arnold, "Mechano-fluidic characterization of microscale dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators", Hilton Head 2012, Hilton Head Island, SC, 06/2012.
Arnold, D. P., F. Cros, T. Glover, M. G. Allen, K. Hillman, and D. Veazie, "Materials and fabrication methods for high-temperature micro-magnetic machines for micro-turbine power generation", Proc. Army Research Lab Collaborative Technology Alliances Conf., Power and Energy, College Park, MD, pp. 77-81, April, 2003.
Patterson, W. C., N. Garraud, E. E. Shorman, and D. P. Arnold, "A magneto-optical microscope for quantitative measurement of magnetic microstructures", Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 86, issue 9, pp. 094704, 09/2015.
Patterson, W. C., E. Shorman, N. Garraud, and D. P. Arnold, "A magneto-optical microscope for quantitative mapping of the stray fields from magnetic microstructures", Tech. Dig. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2014), Hilton Head, SC, pp. 359-362, 06/2014.
Shetye, S., I. Eskinazi, and D. P. Arnold, "Magnetic self-assembly with angular orientation and selective bonding", 2009 NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Honolulu, HI, 06/2009.
Shetye, S., I. Eskinazi, and D. P. Arnold, "Magnetic self-assembly of multiple component types: simultaneous and sequential sorting of a heterogeneous mixture", Proc. 6th Conf. Foundations of Nanoscience (FNANO 2009), Snowbird, UT, 04/2009.
Shetye, S., I. Eskinazi, and D. P. Arnold, "Magnetic self-assembly of millimeter-scale components with angular orientation", J. Micromech. Syst., vol. 19, issue 3, pp. 599-609, 06/2010.
Shetye, S., and D. P. Arnold, "Magnetic self-assembly of millimeter scale components", 2008 NSF CMMI Engineering Research and Innovation Conference, Knoxville, TN, 01/2008.
Zana, I., F. Herrault, D. P. Arnold, and M. G. Allen, "Magnetic patterning of permanent-magnet rotors for microscale motor/generators", Tech. Dig. 5th Int. Workshop Micro Nanotechnology For Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2005), Tokyo, Japan, pp. 116-119, November, 2005.
Arnold, D. P., S. Das, F. Cros, I. Zana, J. H. Lang, and M. G. Allen, "Magnetic induction machines integrated into bulk-micromachined silicon", J. Microelectromech. Syst., vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 406-414, APR, 2006.
Arnold, D. P., S. Das, F. Cros, I. Zana, J. H. Lang, and M. G. Allen, "Magnetic induction machines embedded in fusion-bonded silicon", Tech. Dig. Solid-State Sensor, Actuator, and MicrosystemsWorkshop (Hilton Head 2004), pp. 129-132, June, 2004.