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Filters: First Letter Of Title is P and Author is Fan, Z. Hugh [Clear All Filters]
"Permeability of glucose and other neutral species through recast perfluorosulfonated ionomer films", Analytical Chemistry, vol. 64, pp. 1304-1311, SEP, 1992.
, "Plastic advances microfluidic devices", Analytical Chemistry, vol. 74, pp. 78A-86A, SEP, 2002.
, "A plastic microfluidic device integrating PCR with electrophoresis for bacterial detection", Analytical Chemistry, vol. 75, pp. 4591-4598, SEP, 2003.
, "Plastic Microfluidic Devices For DNA Sequencing And Protein Separations", Micro Total Analysis Systems, pp. 19-21, SEP, 2001.
, "Polyhydroxy fullerenes", Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 15, issue 7, 7/2013.
, "On the possibility of applying noncovalent dyes for protein labeling in isoelectric focusing", Analytical Biochemistry, vol. 350, pp. 263-267, FEB, 2006.
, "Protein synthesis in a device with nanoporous membranes and microchannels", Lab on a Chip, vol. 10, issue 19, pp. 2541, 2010.
, "Protein synthesis yield increased 72 times in the cell-free PURE system", Integrative Biology, vol. 6, issue 8, pp. 781, 2014.