Found 3 results
Author Title [ Type] Year Filters: First Letter Of Title is A and Author is Sankar, Bhavani V. [Clear All Filters]
"Analysis of a Composite Piezoelectric Circular Plate with Initial Stresses for MEMS", International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, ASME Paper IMECE2002-39337, New Orleans, LA, November, 2002.
, "An Analytical Model for Thermoelastic Actuation of Composite Diaphragms", 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors and Actuators, Boston, MA, pp. 1844-1847, June, 2003.
, "An Analytical Electroacoustic Model of a Piezoelectric Composite Circular Plate", AIAA Journal, vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 2311-2318, OCT, 2006.