
Found 4 results
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Journal Article
Z. Fan, H., W. Tan, H. Tan, C. Qiu, T. Boone, P. Kao, A. Ricco, M. Desmond, S. Bay, and K. Hennessy, "Plastic Microfluidic Devices For DNA Sequencing And Protein Separations", Micro Total Analysis Systems, pp. 19-21, SEP, 2001.
Koh, C., W. Tan, M. Zhao, A. Ricco, and H. Z. Fan, "A plastic microfluidic device integrating PCR with electrophoresis for bacterial detection", Analytical Chemistry, vol. 75, pp. 4591-4598, SEP, 2003.
Boone, T., H. Z. Fan, H. Hooper, A. Ricco, H. Tan, and S. Williams, "Plastic advances microfluidic devices", Analytical Chemistry, vol. 74, pp. 78A-86A, SEP, 2002.
Tan, W., H. Z. Fan, C. Qiu, A. Ricco, and I. Gibbons, "Miniaturized capillary isoelectric focusing in plastic microfluidic devices", Electrophoresis, vol. 23, no. 20, pp. 3638-3645, SEP, 2002.