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Xia, Z., L. Cattafesta, R. Mei, M. Sheplak, and H. Z. Fan, "Fluid Mixing in Channels with Microridges", Proceedings of IMECE 2007 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, pp. Seattle, WA, November, 2007.
Jiang, X., M. Pan, J. Loeb, S. Hering, A. Eiguren-Fernandez, J. A. Lednicky, C-Y. Wu, and H. Z. Fan, "Flu Virus Aerosol Collection and Paper-based Viral RNA Detection", 21st µTAS 2017, Savannah, GA, 2017.
Zito, J., R. Durscher, J. Soni, S. Roy, and D. P. Arnold, "Flow and force inducement using micron size dielectric barrier discharge actuators", Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 100, 05/2012.
Bashirullah, R., J. Harris, J. C. Sanchez, T. Nishida, and J. Principe, "Florida Wireless Implantable Recording Electrodes (FWIRE) for Brain Machine Interfaces", IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2007), 2084 , June, 2007.
Sondhi, K., N. Garraud, D. Alabi, D. P. Arnold, A. Garraud, S. G. R. Avuthu, Z. H. Fan, and T. Nishida, "Flexible screen-printed coils for wireless power transfer using low-frequency magnetic fields", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 29, issue 8, pp. 084006, Jan-08-2019.
Patrick, E., V. Sankar, W. Rowe, S. F. Yen, J. C. Sanchez, and T. Nishida, "Flexible Polymer Substrate and Tungsten Microelectrode Array for an Implantable Neural Recording System", Proceedings 30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 3158-3161, August, 2008.
DelBello, S., P. Dopico, W. Mihalko, T. Brolin, F. Azar, and T. W. Throckmorton, "First Place Award: A quantitative analysis of the effect of glenoid bone volume on baseplate failure in reverse total shoulder arthroplasty in patients with inflammatory arthritis: a retrospective case control study", Current Orthopaedic Practice, vol. 31, issue 4, pp. 327 - 329, Jan-01-2020.
Mathew, J., B. V. Sankar, and L. Cattafesta, "Finite Element Modeling of Piezoelectric Actuators for Active Flow Control Applications", 39th Aerospace Sciences Meeting & Exhibit, AIAA Paper 2001-0300, Reno, NV, January, 2001.
Ramasubramanian, V. Suganthan, M. S. Sundaram, R. Thomas, V. S. Ramesh, R. B. Pai, M. Hazarika, S. Mohammed A. Khader, R. G. Poojary, H. Girish, and V. Seth Crasto, "Finite Element Analysis of Cornea and Lid Wiper during Blink, with and without Contact Lens", Journal of Ophthalmology, vol. 2022, pp. 1 - 13, May-05-2023, 2022.
Liu, L., L. Wu, P. Zory, and H. Xie, "Fiber-optic confocal microscope with an electrothermally-actuated, large-tunable-range microlens scanner for depth scanning", 2010 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)2010 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Wanchai, Hong Kong, China, IEEE, pp. 827 - 830, 2010.
Zhou, L., Z. Li, M. Liang, Y. Chen, X. Zhang, and H. Xie, "A fiber scanner based on a robust Cu/W bimorph electrothermal MEMS stage", MOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVIIIMOEMS and Miniaturized Systems XVIII, San Francisco, United States, SPIE, 2019.
Dhavalikar, R., L. Maldonado-Camargo, N. Garraud, and C. Rinaldi, "Ferrohydrodynamic modeling of magnetic nanoparticle harmonic spectra for magnetic particle imaging", Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 118, issue 17, pp. 173906, Jul-11-2015.
Lomenzo, P. D., Q. Takmeel, C. M. Fancher, C. Zhou, N. G. Rudawski, S. Moghaddam, J. L. Jones, and T. Nishida, "Ferroelectric Si-Doped HfO2 Device Properties on Highly Doped Germanium", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 36, issue 8, pp. 766 - 768, Jan-08-2015.
Zhang, X., L. Zhou, and H. Xie, "A Fast, Large-Stroke Electrothermal MEMS Mirror Based on Cu/W Bimorph", Micromachines, vol. 6, issue 12, pp. 1876 - 1889, 12/2015.
Tabrizian, R., "Fabrication Process Flows for Implementation of Piezoelectric MEMS Resonators", Microsystems and Nanosystems, vol. Piezoelectric MEMS Resonators, Cham, Springer International Publishing, pp. 283 - 298, 2017.
Z. Fan, H., R. Khnouf, and B. D. Chapman, "Fabrication optimization of a miniaturized array device for cell-free protein synthesis", ELECTROPHORESIS, vol. 32, issue 22, pp. 3101 - 3107, 11/2011.
Qi, B., and D. P. Arnold, "Fabrication of size-tunable monodisperse Nd2Fe14B@CoFe2 nanocomplexes", 23rd Intl. Workshop on Rare Earth and Future Permanent Magnets and Their Applications (REPM 2014), Annapolis, MD, 08/2014.
Pal, S., and H. Xie, "Fabrication of robust electrothermal MEMS devices using aluminum–tungsten bimorphs and polyimide thermal isolation", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 22, issue 11, pp. 115036, 11/2012.
Velez, C., I. Torres-Díaz, L. Maldonado-Camargo, C. Rinaldi, and D. P. Arnold, "Fabrication of patterned magnetic microstructures using magnetically assembled nanoparticles", 2015 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)2015 28th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Estoril, Portugal, IEEE, pp. 964 - 967, 2015.
Jao, PF., M. Machado, X. Cheng, D. Senior, G. J. Kim, D. Ding, W. Sun, and Y.K. Yoon, "Fabrication of Nanoporous membrane and its non-lithographic patterning using Electrospinning and Stamp-thru-Mold (ESTM)", IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2011), Cancun, Mexico, 01/2011.
Kim, J., K. Lee, H. Jee, K. W. Oh, and Y.K. Yoon, "Fabrication of multiple height microstructures using UV lithography on timed-development-and-thermal-reflowed photoresist", International Conference of IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Hong Kong China, 01/2010.
Arnold, D. P., and M. G. Allen, "Fabrication of Microscale Rotating Magnetic Machines", Multi-Wafer Rotating MEMS Machines: Turbines, Generators, and Engines, New York, Springer, 2009.
Arnold, D. P., and M. G. Allen, "Fabrication of Microscale Rotating Magnetic Machines", Multi-Wafer Rotating MEMS Machines: Turbines, Generators, and Engines, New York, Springer, pp. 157-190, 2009.
Mei, Q., Z. Xia, F. Xu, S. A. Soper, and H. Z. Fan, "Fabrication of Microfluidic Reactors and Mixing Studies for Luciferase Detection", Analytical Chemistry, vol. 80, issue 15, pp. 6045 - 6050, 08/2008.
Velez, C., I. Torres-Díaz, L. Maldonado-Camargo, C. Rinaldi, and D. P. Arnold, "Fabrication of magnetic microstructures by in situ crosslinking of magnetically assembled nanoparticles", Tech. Dig. Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head 2014), Hilton Head, SC, pp. 331-334, 06/2014.