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Alvi, F., and L. Cattafesta, "The art and science of flow control – case studies using flow visualization methods", The European Physical Journal - Special Topics, vol. 182, issue 1, pp. 97-112, 04/2010.
Wang, N., and D. P. Arnold, "Batch-fabricated electrodynamic microactuators with integrated micromagnets", IEEE Trans. Magn., vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1798-1801, 06/2010.
Benard, N., J-P. Bonnet, E. Moreau, J. Griffin, and L. Cattafesta, "Benefits of Using Hysteresis Effects for Closed-Loop Separation Control by Plasma Actuator", 5th AIAA Flow Control Conference, Chicago, IL, AIAA, 06/2010.
Khnouf, R., D. Olivero, S. Jin, M. A. Coleman, and H. Z. Fan, "Cell-Free Expression of Soluble and Membrane Proteins in an Array Device for Drug Screening", Analytical Chemistry, vol. 82, 2010.
Kim, C., H. Ahn, J. Kim, X. Cheng, and Y.K. Yoon, "A Compact 5GHz WLAN Notched Bluetooth/UWB Antenna", Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), 2010 IEEE, Toronto, Canada, IEEE, 07/2010.
Yardibi, T., N. Zawodny, C. Bahr, F. Liu, L. Cattafesta, and J. Li, "Comparison of Microphone Array Processing Techniques for Aeroacoustic Measurements", International Journal of Aeroacoustics, vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 733-762, 2010.
Bahr, C., and L. Cattafesta, "Comparison of Trailing Edge Noise Measurement Methods", Florida Center for Advanced Aero-Propulsion (FCAAP) - Annual Technical Symposium 2010, Tallahassee, August 2010.
Yardibi, T., J. Li, P. Stoica, N. Zawodny, and L. Cattafesta, "A Covariance Fitting Approach for Correlated Acoustic Source Mapping", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 127, issue 5, pp. 2920-2931, 05/2010.
Du, L., L. Xu, J. Li, B. Guo, P. Stoica, C. Bahr, and L. Cattafesta, "Covariance-Based Approaches to Aeroacoustic Noise Source Analysis", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, vol. 128, no. 5, pp. 2877-2887, 11/2010.
Oyarzun, M., and L. Cattafesta, "Design and Optimization of Piezoceramic Zero-Net Mass-Flux Actuators", 5th AIAA Flow Control Conference, Chicago, IL, AIAA, 07/2010.
Kasyap, A., A. Phipps, T. Nishida, M. Sheplak, and L. Cattafesta, "Development of MEMS-based Piezoelectric Vibration Energy Harvesters", SEC IMAC, 02/2010.
Pal, S., and H. Xie, "Distributed and lumped element models for a bimorph-actuated micromirror", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 20, no. 4, pp. 045020, 2010.
Pal, S., and H. Xie, "Dynamic Compact Thermal Model of an Electrothermal Micromirror Based on Transmission Line Theory", Microtech Conference and Expo (Nanotech 2010 vol. 2), Anaheim, CA, NSTI, 2010.
Chandrasekharan, V., J. Sells, D. P. Arnold, and M. Sheplak, "Effect of dynamic pressure on direct shear stress sensor design", 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 2010-004, 01/2010.
Choi, S-O., Y. Chun Kim, J-H. Park, J. Hutcheson, H. S. Gill, Y.K. Yoon, M. R. Prausnitz, and M. G. Allen, "An electrically active mironeedle array for electroporation", Biomedical Microdevices, vol. 12, no. 2, 2010.
Zhang, Y., and D. P. Arnold, "Electromechanical inductors for power converter applications", 10th Int. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2010), Leuven, Belgium, pp. 131-134, 12/2010.
Ahn, H., C. Kim, J. Kim, D. Senior, and Y.K. Yoon, "Electromechanically Steerable Directional Antenna with Floating Pillar Array", 2010 IEEE International Symposium Antennas and Propagation and CNC/USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting, Toronto, ON, Canada, IEEE, pp. 1 - 4, 07/2010.
Guo, Z. Yang, X. S. Liu, Z. Chuan Yang, Q. Cheng Zhao, L. Tao Lin, H. Xie, and G. Zhen Yan, "Electrostatic isolation structure for linearity improvement of a lateral-axis tuning fork gyroscope", 2010 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS)2010 IEEE 23rd International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Wanchai, Hong Kong, China, IEEE, pp. 264 - 267, 2010.
Jones, A., A. Edstrand, M. Chandran, D. Wetzel, F. Liu, and L. Cattafesta, "An Experimental Investigation of Unsteady and Steady Circulation Control for an Elliptical Airfoil", 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 2010-346, 01/2010.
Wetzel, D., J. Griffin, F. Liu, and L. Cattafesta, "An Experimental Study of a Circulation Control Airfoil Trailing Edge Flow Field", 5th AIAA Flow Control Conference, Chicago, IL, AIAA, 07/2010.
Takahashi, H., F. Liu, M. Palavicini, M. Oyarzun, L. Ukeiley, and L. Cattafesta, "Experimental Study of Adaptive Control of High-Speed Flow-Induced Cavity Oscillations", Seventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics, Sendai, Japan, Tohoku University Global COE Program , 11/2010.
Koehler, A. D., A. Gupta, M. Chu, S. Parthasarathy, K. J. Linthicum, J. W. Johnson, T. Nishida, and S. Thompson, "Extraction of AlGaN/GaN HEMT Gauge Factor in the Presence of Traps", IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 31, pp. 3, 07/2010.
Shukla, S., K. Tae Kim, A. Baev, Y.K. Yoon, N. Litchinitser, and P. N. Prasad, "Fabrication and Characterization of Gold-Polymer Nanocomposite Plasmonic Nanoarrays in a Porous Alumina Template", ACS Nano, vol. 4, 2010.
Zito, J., and D. P. Arnold, "Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of Microscale Dielectric Barrier Discharge Devices", Solid-State Sensors, Actuators, and Microsystems Workshop (Hilton Head), Hilton Head, SC, pp. 238-241, 06/2010.
Kim, J., K. Lee, H. Jee, K. W. Oh, and Y.K. Yoon, "Fabrication of multiple height microstructures using UV lithography on timed-development-and-thermal-reflowed photoresist", International Conference of IEEE Micro Electro Mechanical Systems, Hong Kong China, 01/2010.