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Rahimi, A., and Y.-K. Yoon, "Hybrid cylindrical radial superlattice conductor-based air-lifted RF inductors with ultra-high quality factor for UWB and K-bands", 2016 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS), San Francisco, CA, IEEE, 2016.
Rahimi, A., D. E. Senior, A. Shorey, and Y.-K. Yoon, "In-Substrate Resonators and Bandpass Filters with Improved Insertion Loss in K-Band Utilizing Low Loss Glass Interposer Technology and Superlattice Conductors", 2016 IEEE 66th Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC), Las Vegas, NV, USA, IEEE, 2016.
Rahimi, A., and Y.-K. Yoon, "Study on Cu/Ni Nano Superlattice Conductors for Reduced RF Loss", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, vol. 26, issue 4, pp. 258 - 260, Jan-04-2016.
Qu, H., D. Fang, and H. Xie, "A Monolithic CMOS-MEMS 3-Axis Accelerometer with A Low-Noise, Low-Power Dual Chopper Amplifier", Solid-state Sensors, Actuators and Microsystem Workshop, Hilton Head, SC, pp. 224-227, June, 2006.
Qu, H., D. Fang, and H. Xie, Microfabrication and Characterization of an Integrated 3-Axis CMOS-MEMS Accelerometer: IEEE, pp. 60 - 67, 2005.
Qu, H., and H. Xie, "Process Development for CMOS-MEMS Sensors With Robust, Electrically Isolated Bulk Silicon Microstructures", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, vol. 16, issue 5, pp. 1152 - 1161, 10/2007.
Qu, H., D. Fang, and H. Xie, "An Integrated Fully-Differential CMOS-MEMS Z-axis Accelerometer Utilizing a Torsional Suspension", IEEE NEMS 2008, Sanya, China, 01/2008.
Qu, H., D. Fang, and H. Xie, "Fabrication and Characterization of an Integrated CMOS-MEMS Accelerometer", Nanotech 2007, Santa Clara, California, USA, 2007.
Qu, H., D. Fang, and H. Xie, "A Monolithic CMOS-MEMS 3-Axis Accelerometer With a Low-Noise, Low-Power Dual-Chopper Amplifier", IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 8, issue 9, pp. 1511 - 1518, 09/2008.
Qu, H., D. Fang, and H. Xie, "A Single-crystal Silicon 3-axis CMOS-MEMS Accelerometer", IEEE Sensors, 2004, Vienna, Austria, IEEE, pp. 661 - 664, 10/2004.
Qu, H., D. Fang, A. Sadat, J. Yuan, and H. Xie, "High-Resolution Integrated Micro Gyroscope for Space Applications", 41st Space Congress, Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA, 04/2004.
Qi, B., J. S. Andrew, and D. P. Arnold, "Calcium-assisted reduction of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles for nanostructured iron cobalt with enhanced magnetic performance", Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 19:89, issue 313, 3/2017.
Qi, B., and D. P. Arnold, "Fabrication of size-tunable monodisperse Nd2Fe14B@CoFe2 nanocomplexes", 23rd Intl. Workshop on Rare Earth and Future Permanent Magnets and Their Applications (REPM 2014), Annapolis, MD, 08/2014.
Qi, B., J. S. Andrew, and D. P. Arnold, "Calcium-assisted reduction of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles for nanostructured iron cobalt with enhanced magnetic performance", Journal of Nanoparticle Research, vol. 19, issue 3, Jan-03-2017.
Prestidge, D., R. Dhavalikar, A. C. Bohorquez, N. Garraud, M. Unni, A. Chiu-Lam, D. P. Arnold, and C. Rinaldi, "Exploring Iron Oxide Response under Biological Conditions using Magnetic Particle Spectrometry", 2016 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting, 2016.
Prasad, S., B. V. Sankar, L. Cattafesta, S. Horowitz, Q. Gallas, and M. Sheplak, "Two-Port Electroacoustic Model of an Axisymmetric Piezoelectric Composite Plate", 43rd AIAA/ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, AIAA Paper 2002-1365, April, 2002.
Prasad, A., Q-S. Xue, V. Sankar, T. Nishida, G. Shaw, W. J. Streit, and J. C. Sanchez, "Comprehensive characterization and failure modes of tungsten microwire arrays in chronic neural implants", Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 9, issue 5, no. 5, pp. 056015, 09/2012.
Prasad, A., V. Sankar, A. T. Dyer, E. Knott, Q-S. Xue, T. Nishida, J. R. Reynolds, G. Shaw, W. J. Streit, and J. C. Sanchez, "Coupling Biotic and Abiotic Metrics to Create a Testbed for Predicting Neural Electrode Performance", 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'11) August 30 - September 3, 2011, Boston, MA, 08/2011.
Prasad, S., Q. Gallas, S. Horowitz, B. Homeijer, B. V. Sankar, L. Cattafesta, and M. Sheplak, "An Analytical Electroacoustic Model of a Piezoelectric Composite Circular Plate", AIAA Journal, vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 2311-2318, OCT, 2006.
Prasad, A., Q-S. Xue, V. Sankar, T. Nishida, G. Shaw, W. J. Streit, and J. C. Sanchez, "Predicting Microelectrode Array Functionality Using Biotic and Abiotic Metrics in Vivo", 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, Aug 28-Sep 1, 2012.
Prasad, A., Q-S. Xue, V. Sankar, T. Nishida, G. Shaw, W. J. Streit, and J. C. Sanchez, "Comprehensive characterization of tungsten microwires in chronic neurocortical implants", 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, San Diego, CA, Aug 28-Sep 1, 2012.
Pozzi, A., H.Y. Ling, C.A. Tonks, B.T. Wise, S. Guo, K.M. Thieman, and H. Xie, "Optical coherence tomography for diagnosing meniscal pathology in dogs: a pilot study", Veterinary Orthopedic Society Annual Meeting, Steamboat, CO, 2009.
Pitchaimani, K., B. C. Sapp, A. Winter, A. Gispanski, T. Nishida, and H. Z. Fan, "Manufacturable plastic microfluidic valves using thermal actuation", Lab on a Chip, vol. 9, issue 21, pp. 3082, 2009.
Phipps, A., F. Liu, L. Cattafesta, M. Sheplak, and T. Nishida, "Demonstration of a wireless, self-powered electroacoustic liner system", J. Acoust. Soc. Am, vol. 125, no. 2, pp. 873-881, FEB, 2009.
Phipps, A., and T. Nishida, "Formulation and Capture of the Second Voltage Peak Occuring From Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Using a Pulsed Resonant Converter (PRC)", Tech. Dig. 9th Int. Workshop on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Apps. (PowerMEMS 2009), Washington, DC, December, 2009.