IMG Faculty Promotion and Tenure News

Congratulations to Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Professors Mark Sheplak, Lou Cattafesta, and Hugh Fan. Professors Sheplak and Cattafesta were recently promoted to the rank of Full Professor while Dr. Fan was awarded tenure. Promotion and tenure are critically important milestones in faculty careers. IMG extends its warmest congratulations to our colleagues/advisors!

Recent Dissertation Proposals Completed

Congratulations are in order for both Brian Homeijer and Naigang Wang, who both recently passed their dissertation proposal defenses. Brian presented his topic, "Design, Fabrication and Characterization of a MEMS piezoresistive Microphone for use in Aeroacoustic Measurements." Naigang's topic was "Fabrication and Integration of Microscale Permanent Magnets in Magnetic MEMS."

IMG Spring Social

Last night, the first IMG Spring Social was held at Mr. Han's Restaurant. The social was generously sponsored by Dr. Sheplak and organized by Alina Soderholm and Janhavi Agashe, with help from several other students. The social featured dinner, an awards ceremony ("MEMSees Awards"), an IMG "homecoming court," and karaoke. Thanks to everyone for attending and for your ongoing work as members of IMG.

Two IMG Students Win NSF Fellowship; Two More Receive Honorable Mention

Last week the National Science Foundation announced that two senior undergraduate members of IMG, Cesar Moreno and Jessica Sockwell, won Graduate Research Fellowships. As winners of this prestigious award, both students will receive funds for graduate study worth $44,550/yr for three years. Cesar and Jessica will begin graduate study at IMG in the fall under Drs. Lou Cattafesta and Mark Sheplak, respectively.