News and events of Z. Hugh Fan's Research Group

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IMG Kickoff Meeting

Event date: 
Fri, 08/18/2017 - 11:45am to 1:30pm

Welcome back from a great summer IMG members!

As the Fall semester moves closer, we will be having our IMG Kickoff Meeting on August 18, 2017 from 11:45AM to 1:30PM. During this meeting, we'll cover all manner of IMG topics and introduce new members to the group. We will also be taking our group photo, so if you have a IMG polo or t-shirt, feel free to wear it.

Please note, all IMG members are expected to attend this meeting! Pizza and drinks will be provided as well!

Dr. Fan named 2016 AAAS Fellow

Dr. Z. Hugh Fan from the Interdisciplinary Microsystem Group (IMG) was elected as an American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow for 2016. He's among the 5 newly named 2016 AAAS Fellows at the University of Florida. Dr. Fan was awarded for his distinguished establishment in Microfluidics, particularly for platform development and biomedical applications. IMG extends its warmest congratulations!

For more information, please visit  AAAS and  UF News.